Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

NOTICE - NEW COMPETITION Schools of specialization medical area 2023/2024

ENROLLMENTS call for applications for medical area specialization schools 2023/2024

The call for applications for medical area specialization schools for the year 2023/2024 has been published

Below you will find the link to the ministry's website (Universitaly) to be able to download the notice and proceed to the competition registrations.

The first part of the online application procedure for the competition is active from Wednesday, May 29, 2024, and closes imperatively at 3 p.m. (Italian time) on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 (THIS FIRST PROCEDURE TO BE CARRIED OUT EXCLUSIVELY ON THE UNIVERSITALY WEBSITE).


Notice of admission to graduate schools in the health care area A.Y. 2023-2024

Universitaly enrollment procedure

ON-LINE procedure for application and matriculation

Resident physician questionnaire a.y. 2020-2021

The results of the monitoring of the results of specialist medical training under Art. Art. 43 of Legislative Decree No. 368/1999 and Art. 6, paragraph 3, letter b) of Ministerial Decree No. 402/2017 related to the questionnaires administered to physicians in specialist training a.y. 2020-2021 are reported

Questionario medici specializzandi a.a. 2020-2021

COMPETITION for Specialization Schools in medical area 2022/2023


The assigned candidates must INDEROGISABLY REGISTER by MONDAY, 04/03/2024 at 1:00 pm.

To proceed with registration, log in with SPID or University credentials if you fall into a category excluded from the SPID registration requirement.

TO REGISTER follow the online procedure below:

- connect from any PC, connected to the Internet, to the University website

- log on to and register.

In order to access the online services, applicants must proceed with registration, which will allow them to obtain credentials to access the University's web services.

Please note that those who already have an account (former student) for access to the University's IT services DO NOT HAVE TO REGISTER but will be able to access the procedure directly. Anyone who has lost their credentials can consult the web page with directions on how to retrieve their username and password (for more information, see the information guide available on the website).

At the time of registration, candidates must enter the information required by the procedure together with the bank account details to which the amount provided by the postgraduate training contract will be disbursed.

By MONDAY 04/03/2024 at 14:00 a.m., candidates are required to transmit, under penalty of exclusion, all the documentation at the UO Postgraduate Training, SENDING by email to the matriculation application that is generated at the end of the online matriculation procedure signed and accompanied by the following documents:

- photostatic copy of a valid personal identity document (ID card or passport) including document number, date and place of issue;

- residence permit for non-EU students;

- receipt of payment of the 1st installment of fees and contributions (€. 831.00 including the statutory stamp duty and the regional application fee) .

- c/c data form and social security data declaration

- registration declaration form SSM2023

For any needs write to specializzazioni@unipr.


COMPETITION for Specialization Schools in medical area 2021/2022

Enrolment for graduate schools in medical area 2021/2022

Candidates will be able to register online starting from 13/04/2023 until 1 p.m. on 17/04/2023

Candidates who do not have credentials, as they are not graduates of the University of Parma, may proceed with their registration or in case of difficulty contact the Specialization School Service

Documents required for enrolment should be sent by e-mail to: no later than 2 p.m. on 17/04/2023

TO ENROL follow the online procedure indicated below:

connect to the University website
Click on "REGISTRATION ON LINE" and follow the procedure
In order to access any of the University online services, applicants must proceed with registration which will allow them to obtain the credentials. Please note that those who already have an account (former student) DO NOT HAVE TO REGISTER to access the University's online services, they can directly access the procedure. Anyone who has lost their credentials can consult the web page with directions on how to retrieve username and password (for more information consult the guide available on the website). During enrolment, candidates will have to enter the information required by the procedure together with the bank account details where the amount envisaged by the specialist educational contract will be disbursed.

By the deadlines indicated on the Universitaly portal, candidates are required to obligatorily submit, under penalty of exclusion, all the documentation to the UO Postgraduate Training - Specializations in order to obtain final enrolment by SENDING by email to the matriculation application that is generated at the end of the online matriculation procedure accompanied by the following documents:

- copy of a valid identification (ID card or passport) including document number, date and place of issue;

- residence permit for non-EU students;

- receipt of payment of the 1st installment of fees and contributions (€. 831.00 including the statutory stamp duty and the regional application tax) .

- bank account data data form and social security data declaration

- enrolment declaration form SSM2022


• Calls in health (non medical), veterinary and legal areas – registration and enrolment information


To register for the admission test, you must apply using only the online procedure only. Therefore, applications sent in any other way, including by post or fax, will not be considered. The student must therefore:

  • connect to the University website
  • Click on "REGISTRATION ON LINE" and follow the procedure to register for the admission test;
  •  complete the procedure and pay the admission fee for the test of € 50.00 (using Distinta di versamento MAV that is printed at the end of the online procedure, this payment slip can be paid at any bank in the area).


ENROLMENT Candidates placed in eligible positions on the final ranking must enrol following the online procedure indicated below, no later than 15 days after the date of publication of the final ranking and under penalty of exclusion

  • connect to the University's website
  •  Click on "REGISTRATION ON LINE" follow the procedure and at the end, in order to obtain final enrolment, by the established deadline, submit all the documentation to the Postgraduate Training Division - Specialization Schools at the e-mail address:, enclosing a copy of identification, accompanied by the receipt of payment of the 1st instalment of fees and contributions.

Enrolment procedure for foreign students

Candidates in possession of a foreign qualification can apply for admission to competitions both in relation to medical and non-medical schools if in possession of a degree and professional qualification (when provided), obtained in a foreign universities.
The qualifications are considered equivalent only for the admission to the Specialization School.



For information, please contact the Specialization Schools Service


tel: 0521033704
Via Volturno, 39
43125 Parma

Modified on

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