Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma

The Press Office takes care of information to the media and to audiences inside and outside the University. It gives information of initiatives, events, notices for students and, more generally, of news concerning the institutional, teaching, scientific and third mission activities of the University of Parma, ensuring that these are prepared according to the journalistic-institutional canons of the University.

Press Office activities are carried out through:

- planning and scheduling of institutional information activities
- drafting, publishing and constantly updating news on the University website
- drafting of other texts for the University website
- direct relations with media organs (newspapers, TV, radio, news agencies, websites) for the dissemination of information to the various newspapers on various topics
- drafting and sending press releases to the media
- updating the University's institutional Twitter profile
- organizing interviews and press conferences.

Depending on the type of news, it can also be included in the online newsletter for Unipresente students or in the online newsletter for Uniproximastaff, both of which are sent via e-mail on the 1st and 16th of each month. 

Press releases

Press releases concern events or news of particular importance of an educational, scientific, third mission or institutional/administrative nature. Press releases are sent to both traditional and digital media identified as most appropriate for the type of news to be conveyed. For the best organization of the activity,  requests for press releases should be sent to the Press Office at least one working week before the event to which they refer or in any case of the requested date of publication on the portal.

Press conferences

Press conferences are organized centrally for events or news of special importance. Normally, the date is agreed at least three weeks before the event.

Daily Press Review

Daily Press Review is only for structured staff

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