Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

COST - Open Call 2024

È aperta la nuova call per le Azioni COST per l’anno 2024. 

Un'azione COST è una rete di ricerca interdisciplinare che riunisce ricercatori e innovatori per studiare un argomento di loro scelta per un periodo di 4 anni. Queste azioni sono aperte a tutti i settori scientifici e tecnologici, compresi quelli nuovi ed emergenti.

Le proposte di azioni COST devono contribuire al progresso e allo sviluppo delle conoscenze scientifiche, tecnologiche, economiche, culturali o sociali dell'Europa, vengono quindi incoraggiate tutte le proposte che hanno un carattere multidisciplinare. Sono delle azioni bottom-up e possono riguardare qualsiasi argomento, ma per essere approvate devono soddisfare determinati criteri, come la partecipazione di ricercatori provenienti da almeno sette Paesi membri COST, metà dei quali provenienti dai Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC).

Potete trovare maggiori informazioni su come presentare la vostra proposta nella pagina web dedicata.

La scadenza per la presentazione delle proposte è per il prossimo 23 ottobre alle ore 12.00 (CEST).

EU LIFE INFO DAYS - dal 23 al 26 aprile 2024

Ambiente, clima, transizione energetica, economia circolare sono le tematiche del Programma LIFE. Gli appuntamenti programmati per la divulgazione dei bandi appena aperti sono i seguenti:

  • 23 aprile: aspetti generali dei bandi (modalità di presentazione e di valutazione, aspetti finanziari, ecc.). È già possibile visionare le registrazioni delle sessioni a questo link;
  • 24 aprile: tre sessioni dedicate ai sottoprogrammi Natura e biodiversitàEconomia circolare e qualità della vita e Mitigazione e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici;
  • 25 aprile: tutta la giornata sarà dedicata al sottoprogramma Transizione all’energia pulita,di cui  una prima parte comune per tutti e a seguire diverse sessioni parallele dedicate ai topic che saranno aperti sul bando 2024 per questo sottoprogramma;
  • 26 aprile: sessione dedicata alla presentazione di Operating Grants per le ONG che operano in campo ambientale.

Sulla pagina dedicata, trovate il programma dettagliato, la possibilità di registrare il vostro profilo, seguire le sessioni live o visionare le registrazioni degli eventi, ed richiedere degli incontri virtuali bilaterali 1:1 tra i potenziali candidati.

Il 28 maggio si terrà l’Infoday italiano. Informazioni più dettagliate saranno disponibili prossimamente sul sito del MASE.

Evento infomativo ERC - European Research Council: obiettivi, schemi di finanziamento, il template della proposta, consigli e suggerimenti per la scrittura di una proposta

Il 17 aprile p.v. dalle ore 9.30 alle ore 13.30 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali, Sede centrale, Aula M, Via JF Kennedy 6, 43125 Parma, si terrà l’evento informativo dal titolo European Research Council: obbiettivi, schemi di finanziamento, il template della proposta, consigli e suggerimenti per la scrittura di una proposta” organizzato in collaborazione con APRE

L’evento sarà tenuto dalla dott.ssa Serena Borgna, formatrice di APRE, che ha all’attivo numerose docenze sulla struttura di HORIZON EUROPE e H2020 e su come strutturare una proposta di progetto europeo sui programmi Cluster 6 e ERC.

L’iniziativa ha lo scopo di spiegare gli strumenti Starting, Consolidator e Advanced Grant, le regole di eleggibilità, il template della proposta e presentare alcuni suggerimenti per la scrittura di una proposta ERC, introducendo alcune novità già presenti dal Work Programme ERC 2024 nella valutazione del Profilo del PI.

L’incontro è ideato per i ricercatori e docenti interessati a presentare una proposta progettuale nell’ambito del programma ERC. 

Ulteriori informazioni e l’agenda completa dell’evento sono disponibili nel file in allegato.

Per partecipare all’evento è obbligatorio compilare il modulo di registrazione.

Per coloro che vorranno prendere parte all’evento, considerata la capienza massima dell’aula di 80 persone circa, i posti saranno disponibili secondo l'ordine di arrivo delle richieste di partecipazione (first come, first served). 

La UO Supporto alla Ricerca Europea ed Internazionale è a disposizione per ulteriori chiarimenti ( 

Aperti i nuovi bandi PRIMA 2024

Il 25 gennaio la Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) ha lanciato il piano di lavoro annuale (AWP) e le nuove call 2024.

Nella sezione 1, le call 2024, inserite nelle rispettive aree tematiche, sono:

  • Water Management in the Nexus 2024 - Sustainability of Mediterranean irrigated agriculture through the implementation of the WEFE Nexus approach: le proposte progettuali, indicativamente, dovranno prevedere una durata di 36 mesi e un budget nell’ordine di 4,6 milioni di euro;
  • Farming Systems in the Nexus 2024 - Transformative Adaptation of Mediterranean dry farming systems using water harvesting techniques to address extreme drought in arid and semi-arid environments: le proposte progettuali, indicativamente, dovranno prevedere una durata di 36 mesi e un budget nell’ordine di 4,8 milioni di euro;
  • Food Value-chain in the Nexus 2024 - Developing cost-effective and sustainable technologies adapted to Mediterranean Food Systems to decrease food loss and waste: le proposte progettuali, indicativamente, dovranno prevedere una durata di 36 mesi e un budget nell’ordine di 4,55 milioni di euro.

Le tre call si identificano come Innovation actions (IA), ovvero azioni che mirano direttamente alla produzione di piani o prodotti, processi o servizi nuovi, modificati o migliorati.

Il consorzio deve essere costituito da almeno tre soggetti giuridici stabiliti in tre diversi Stati partecipanti al programma PRIMA, di cui almeno un soggetto deve essere stabilito in uno Stato membro dell'UE o in un paese terzo associato a Horizon 2020, e almeno un soggetto deve essere stabilito in un Paese terzo che si affaccia sul Mar Mediterraneo (MPC). Tutti e tre i soggetti giuridici devono essere indipendenti l'uno dall'altro. Ulteriori criteri specifici per la composizione del consorzio sono dettagliati nell’AWP e nella singola call.

La candidatura avviene in due fasi. La scadenza per l’invio delle pre-proposal è fissata al 02 aprile 2024 alle ore 17 (CET). In caso di passaggio al secondo step, la scadenza per inviare la full proposal è il 25 settembre 2024 alle ore 17 (CET).

Per maggiori informazioni sulle call aperte e sul programma, è possibile consultare il sito ufficiale.

INFO DAY HORIZON EUROPE – EU PARTNERSHIPS Bandi 2024 Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), Cluster 1 | Nuove call 6 e 7

APRE, in accordo con MUR e in collaborazione con Farmindustria, Confindustria Dispositivi Medici e Assobiotec, organizza l’evento INFO DAY HORIZON EUROPE – EU PARTNERSHIPS: bandi 2024 Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), Cluster 1 | Nuove call 6 e 7 che si svolgerà in presenza a Milano presso l’Auditorium Rita Levi Montalcini il 26 febbraio 2024.

L’evento partirà da una panoramica sull’andamento della partecipazione ai primi bandi della Partnership e proseguirà con una ricca sessione informativa dedicata ai bandi IHI.

L’obiettivo è accrescere l’informazione e la sensibilizzazione di aziende, ospedali e centri di ricerca rispetto alle preziose opportunità offerte dai bandi IHI, favorendo in particolare il networking per la partecipazione alle nuove call 6 e 7.

Seguiranno una sessione dedicata alle testimonianze dei protagonisti dei progetti IHI finanziati e una sessione Pitch dal mondo della Ricerca e dell’Industria.

L’evento si concluderà con un Networking Cocktail.

È possibile consultare il programma qui.

Per chi fosse interessato, è possibile presentare una idea di progetto a valere sui bandi IHI nell’ambito della sessione Pitch, utilizzando il modello ppt che trovate qui e inviarla entro il 19 febbraio a . Verrete rincottati dagli organizzatori per un eventuale inserimento in agenda del vostro intervento (un pitch di max 5 min).       

L’ evento è aperto a tutte le persone interessate, previa registrazione a questo link.


University call for proposals for the establishment of a research group with an international and multidisciplinary character composed of young postdoctoral researchers (Young Independent Research Group -YIRG) - YIRG UNIPR

Our University is launching for the first time a University Call for Proposals for the establishment of a research group with an international and multidisciplinary character composed of young postdoctoral researchers (Young Independent Research Group - YIRG),funded with the resources under Ministerial Decree No. 737 of 25/06/2021 under the National Research Program (NRP)".

Specifically, the University intends to invest these resources to start a group of young researchers to carry out research activities for a period of time of three years on a topic of strategic interest for the University of Parma, falling in at least one of the 6 areas envisaged by the PNR 2021-2027:

Area 1 - Health

Area 2 - Culture and Society

Area 3 - Security

Area 4 - Digital, industry and aerospace

Area 5 - Climate and Energy

Area 6 - Food and the environment.

Proposals should be sent by the Prime Proposer to the Chairman of its Area Committee by noon on January 12, 2022.

Funding Opportunities

We would like to inform you that on the European and International Research's Elly Proform page you can find detailed information regarding two funding opportunities that may be of interest to you:

- the Creative Europe program is the European Commission's program that aims to support the cultural and audiovisual sector. Over €2 billion will be allocated in the seven-year period 2021-2027 to support the recovery, resilience, and diversity of the cultural and creative sectors.


At this link are the callsalready open. Each call contains the necessary documents for participation and all the detailed information on how to write a project;


-The Interreg Central Europe program is a program funded by the European Commission from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the European Territorial Cooperation Objective of the European Union's Cohesion Policy. Over the period 2021-2027, the program aims to co-finance transnational projects that can lead to the growth of a smarter, more sustainable, better connected and more integrated Central Europe, across administrative barriers.

The first call is scheduled for October 2021, when the precise technical information, program guidelines and application form will also be made available.

European Defence Fund (EDF): EU Call for Expert Call Evaluators

Following the publication of the callsof the European Defence Fund (here the link), the European Commission required member countries to provide expert evaluators for the calls of the Fund itself.

The Commission will appoint independent experts to assist in the evaluation of proposals and their ethical and financial aspects. These experts should be nationals of as many Member States as possible and will be selected on the basis of their skills, experience and knowledge relevant to their assigned tasks. Experts will be expected to have a high level of professional military expertise and experience in research and development of defense products and technologies or management of defense capability development projects/programs in a national, European and/or NATO context.

All information is available at the following link.

November 19 - REA info session MSCA Staff Exchanges

On November 19 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. there will be an information workshop organized by the European Commission related to the MSCA Staff Exchanges program.

The webinar, in English, will be aimed primarily at potential proposers. The session will feature speakers from the European Research Executive Agency (REA) and the Directorate-General for Education and Culture (EAC), as well as testimonies from a number of beneficiaries.

Participation is free of charge. All information and the link to the live broadcast are available at following link.

November 16 - Training Event "Legal and Financial Aspects in Horizon Europe"

On the day of November 16, from 10:00 to 13:00 there will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform a course organized by the UO Support for European and International Research in collaboration with APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) that aims to delve into the implementation aspects of the Horizon Europe Program, analyzing the rules of participation and the novelties of the Model Grant Agreement, providing the basics related to cost categories for the purpose of constructing the financial plan and reporting.

The essential steps of project implementation will also be covered, delving into the actions to be taken.

The course will be taught by Dr. Claudia Zurlo, Head of Administrative and Operations Department of APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) National Contact Point Horizon Europe and national contact point for legal and financial aspects for the 7th Framework Program for Research and Technological Development and the HORIZON 2020 Research and Innovation Program.

The event is open to all University staff engaged in research and research support activities and to all staff of the entities and institutes that are members of Tavolo Europa and located in the Emilia-Romagna region.

To register, it is necessary to send an email to by November 12.

The link to the live broadcast will be sent the day before the event to all registered participants.

November 8 - 12 - OPEN CONFERENCE 2021 - Toward a New Future. (Re)thinking the relationship between science and society

The Annual APRE Conference will be held from November 8 to 12 and will focus on the relationship betweenscience and society in a series of talks during five days of discussion and information, starting with Horizon Europe.

Completely online, the conference will include different formats, turning the spotlight on issues, news, and key players in European R&I:

APREdialogue. Comparisons on European R&I: Dialogues between national experts and senior representatives of European and Italian institutions on the hottest issues.

APREbrief. Horizon Europe Pills: Short daily sessions on the Horizon Europe framework program to learn about news and upcoming calls.

APREext. Walking with Science: The "outings" to go and visit, together, some of Italy's scientific realities.

APREoff. The Beauty of Science: Appointments to (re)discover how science can become beauty, entertainment, storytelling.

APREspace. The APRE network at work: Workshops reserved for APRE members to discuss topics of common interest in the life of the association.



Participation is free and open (after registration) to anyone interested in European research and innovation issues: researchers and universities, industry and small and medium-sized enterprises, public administration and territorial development agencies, communities of innovators and civil society organizations.

For more information, to see the agenda and to proceed with registration click here.

October 25-29, 2021 - HE Infoday and brokerage event call 2022 - Cluster 1 & Cluster 6

On October 25 - 29, 2021, the European Commission has scheduled, with the support of the National Contact Points, an information and networking week dedicated to the Cluster 1 - Health and Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment of Horizon Europe.

The infodaysare aimed at explaining the funding opportunities provided in the 2022 calls opening in late October 2021 while the brokerage events will provide a unique opportunity for prospective proposers to meet and discuss their ideas and expertise with new partners, strengthening their international networks and collaboration opportunities.

Following the schedule and references to register for the events:

Cluster 1 - Health

October 28: Info day Cluster 1

October 29: Brokerage Event Cluster 1

Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

October 25-26: Info day Cluster 6

October 27: Brokerage Event Cluster 6

October 26 - Fourth APRE/ERCEA Webinar: Workshop on the ERC eligibility criteria

On October 26 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., the 4th webinar organized by APRE - Agency For the Promotion of European Research together with ERCEA - ERC Executive Agency concerning the eligibility criteria for ERC research projects will be held.

The event will be divided into 3 parts:

presentation of eligibility and eligibility criteria;

IP eligibility assessment process;

case studies.

The webinar, in English, will be given by Sara Serrano-Pérez and Viktoria Bard, from ERCEA's Eligibility Team. Registration will be open until Thursday, October 21, and a link to participate will be sent after this date. The webinar is aimed at administrative staff, research offices, and researchers interested in presenting an ERC project.

You must register at the following link.

EIT Manufacturing events at the World Manufacturing Week 2021 - October 18 - 22, 2021


During the week of October 18, during World Manufacturing Week 2021, the EIT Manufacturing KIC, of which the University of Parma is a member, is organizing a series of events of considerable interest within the manufacturing context.

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an EU body created in 2008 to strengthen Europe's innovation capacity. The EIT helps businesses, research and educational institutions work together to create an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe.

In 2021, the University of Parma joined one of the 8 KICs active in the EIT, the EIT Manufacturing which aims to strengthen and grow the competitiveness of European manufacturing industry.

The events organized by EIT Manufacturing are as follows:

- October 18 - BoostUp! Bridge competition - this is the latest milestone in a journey that began in June. During the meeting, how to build "bridges" between startup technologies and business industrial challenges will be explained, and winning projects will be presented;

- Oct. 19 - SMEs: The Way Forward - the session will focus on SMEs in our ecosystem and bring in best practices in terms of industrial manufacturing resilience, drawing on the experience of the crisis generated by the pandemic from COVID-19;

- Human Drive 4 Future Manufacturing - this session, organized by the EIT Manufacturing Education Team, brings together European policy makers, global and local institutions, manufacturers, researchers, and trainers to share their vision for the future of manufacturing and to discuss how to promote manufacturing innovation, sustainability, and resilience through training initiatives.


More information about the events organized by EIT Manufacturing in World Manufacturing Week 2021 can be found at the following link.

To proceed with registration click here.

October 14, 2021 - Research Professional training


On Thursday, October 14, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m., there will be a short training session open to University staff on the use of the Research Professional ( platform just purchased by our University.

Research Professional allows the identification of funding opportunities in the field of scientific research, through customized searches according to specific criteria (discipline, type of funding, funding body, etc.), allowing to obtain and share detailed information on a wide range of national and international funding programs.

The training session, delivered in English by Sofia Vilja, Client Services & Implementation Team Leader of Research Professional, will provide an introduction to the use of the program by illustrating how to search for various funding opportunities in the "Funding database" and how to manage the "News," "Conferences," and "Awards" sections.

No registration is required. Si potrà assistere all’incontro sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams al seguente link.

Research Professional is, however, already usable by UNIPR staff with University credentials. To access the service, it is necessary to:

- For the first access connect to Research Professional ( from the university network

- Choose the function "Log in with your university account" and select "University of Parma"

- Log in with your institutional mail account ( (Create New Account)

- Once you have registered for the first time, you can also access Research Professional by logging in from an external network

To facilitate the use of the software, you can enjoy an online tutorial and help directly on the platform.

For more information write to: or consult the University website at following link.

October 12, 2021 - Training event "Impact and how to maximize it in HORIZON EUROPE"

On the day of October 12, a course organized by the UO European and International Research Support in collaboration with APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform, which aims to illustrate what impact represents for proposals and projects funded by Horizon Europe, and what tools to take to maximize it.

The aim, then, will be to give participants keys to understanding and practical tools for setting up proposals correctly and capable of generating impact in the medium and long term.

The course will be taught by Dr. Matteo Di Rosa of APRE, National Contact Point Horizon Europe, national contact point for SC5 climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials and SC2 food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bio-economy & biotechnology.

The event is open to all University staff engaged in research and research support activities and to all staff of the entities and institutes that are members of Tavolo Europa and located in the Emilia-Romagna region.

To register, it is necessary to send an e-mail to by Oct. 10.

The link to the live broadcast will be sent the day before the event to all registered participants.

October 6, 2021 - Training event "How to write a successful proposal in Horizon Europe: part 2"

We would like to inform you that the course of September 22 entitled "How to write a successful proposal in Horizon Europe: part 2," which was suspended due to technical problems, will be made up on October 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The course is open to all University staff engaged in research and research support activities. Those who had already registered for the September 22 edition do not need to register again.

During the workshop, general principles for writing an effective proposal will be presented, and in particular, criteria and methodologies for writing the "1. Excellence," "2. Impact" and "3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation" sections of an RIA/IA project will be explained.

The objective of the course is to provide the technical and methodological tools to be able to write a competitive project proposal that is in line with the high standards of evaluation to which it will be submitted.

Those wishing to participate can email by Oct. 4. All participants will receive the link to the live broadcast the day before the event.


Virtual Brokerage Event - A sustainable future for Europe

On September 30, 2021, an international information day will be held on the research topics covered under the "A sustainable future for Europe" call of Cluster 2 "Culture, creativity and inclusive societies" of Horizon Europe.

Participants will have the opportunity to attend a matchmaking event dedicated to the themes of the call. The matchmaking event will give participants the opportunity to take part in pre-arranged meetings with other participants in order to identify possible collaborators and facilitate the creation of Horizon Europe project consortia.

Participants actively seeking a project partner will also have the opportunity to present their project during a flash presentation session.

For more information:



We would like to point out the training organized by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia with APRE, entitled "HORIZON EUROPE, THE FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION: FOCUS ON DESIGN".

The event is open to entities and institutes that are members of the Europe Table and located in the Emilia-Romagna region and therefore UNIPR staff can participate.

The course, whose agenda you can find attached, will be held online via the Webex platform Friday, September 24 from 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m..

You can register starting at this link .


LIFE: first calls for proposals for 2021-2027


The European Commission has published the first calls for the LIFE 2021-2027 environment, climate and energy program.

The new program will contribute to the transition to a sustainable economy, improvement of environmental quality, and protection of biodiversity.

The published calls are in line with the 2021-2024 Multiannual Work Program, have a total budget of more than €580 million, and will be managed by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).

The calls for 2021 are available on the Funding&Tenders Opportunities Portal, with varying deadlines depending on the call. Full details are available at the following link.

For those interested, registrations of information sessions dedicated to the new call are also available online.

The new EU programming: training and information in UNIPR


To learn about the new Horizon Europe framework program and the upcoming EU programming for the period 2021-2027, the University of Parma and the other regional universities together with APRE - Agency for the Promotion of Research in Europe, have developed a training/information course in which all University staff can participate.

Annexed is the agenda with information on how to participate in the events.

International Research Events 2021_june_2021

Horizon Europe Week 2021 (July 12 - July 16, 2021) - all materials online

All materials of the Horizon Europe Week 2021, organized by APRE in agreement with the Ministry of University and Research, are now available on the event page.

You can find available:

- The videos and slides of the 11 thematic sessions, i.e., the National INFO DAYS on the following topics: MSCA; ERC; Research Infrastructures; Cluster 1 - Health; Cluster 2 - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society; Cluster 3 - Civil Security for Society; Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space; Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility; Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment; WIDERA; EURATOM;

- The videos and slides from the 13 sessions devoted to the following cross-cutting themes: The Strategic Plan; Rules of Participation and Evaluation Procedure; The Proposal Template; The Impact Pathway; Dissemination and Exploitation of Results; Integration of Humanities and Social Sciences (SSH); Gender Aspects; European Partnerships; Missions; Open Science; Ethics and Security; The Funding & Tenders portal.

Networking Opportunities

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the union of scientists in Bulgaria, and the Bulgarian Science Foundation have organized a series of conferences and events for August 2021 that could be useful networking moments within the International Scientific Events 2021, to be held at the Flora Expo Center, Burgas, on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.

Agriculture & Food, 9th International Conference (August 16-19)

Ecology & Safety, 30th International Conference (16-19 August)

Materials, Methods & Technologies, 23rd International Conference (August 19-22)

Economy & Business, 20th International Conference (August 22-25)

Education, Research & Development, 12th International Conference (August 25-28)

Language, Individual & Society, 15th International Conference (25-28 August)


"Horizon Europe - National Launch Day"

At the following link you can access the recording of the Webinar "Horizon Europe - National Launch Day", organized by the Ministry of University and Research and held on May 25.

The meeting covered many topics, with the aim of tracing with clarity and vision the many opportunities and the unmissable challenges that open up for Italy with the seven-year period of Horizon Europe (2021-2027). An unmissable opportunity for all those interested in the themes and funding of the Framework Program.

Italian Horizon Europe Week


From July 12-16, 2021, APRE is organizing a series of information sessions, insights and interactions to accompany Italian researchers and innovators "inside" all aspects and opportunities of the new Horizon Europe Framework Program.

The eleven thematic sessions will address the individual work programs of Horizon Europe - ERC, MSCA, Infrastructure, the six Pillar II Clusters, WIDERA, EURATOM - while thirteen cross-cutting sessions will delve into aspects of common interest such as ethics, impact, exploitation of research results, proposal template and more.

Along with APRE experts, European Commission officials and national delegates will speak.

July 14, 2021 - Training event "How to write a successful proposal in Horizon Europe: part 1"

In mid-June, the new Work Programmes of the Horizon Europe framework program were finally published, allowing everyone to start thinking about new project proposals.

For this reason, the European and International Research Support UO has organized a training event entitled "How to write a successful proposal in Horizon Europe: part 1" for the afternoon of July 14.

The meeting will explore the stages of preparing a project, from analyzing calls to submitting the proposal, considering the similarities and differences between Horizon Europe and the old Horizon 2020 framework program.

The event is open to all Athenaeum staff, faculty, researchers, fellows, PhD students and technical administrative staff involved in research support activities. Given the structure of the meeting, the event is also addressed to an audience with little experience in EU project writing.

To register, please send an email to by Monday, July 12. The link to the live broadcast will be sent on the morning of the event to all registered participants.


On Monday, July 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the online meeting "MSCA IN HORIZON EUROPE: FOCUS ON MSCA DOCTORAL NETWORKS" will be held, organized by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

The meeting will provide the basics of designing MSCA calls in Horizon Europe, with a focus on MSCA Doctoral Networks. The objectives and main features of the call that supports the design of excellent third-level training pathways that can address current and future research challenges will be analyzed.

QUI the event agenda


Hereis the link for registration

The day is also open to staff belonging to the entities and institutes that are members of Tavolo Europa and located in the Emilia-Romagna region, and therefore also to researchers and technical-administrative staff of our university.

Horizon Europe info days of the European Commission

From June 28 to July 9, 2021, the European Commission is organizing info days DI Horizon Europe, the EU's new framework program for research and innovation.

The event will provide opportunities for potential applicants and other stakeholders in EU research and innovation to obtain information and ask questions about Horizon Europe's main funding instruments and HIS main innovations.

The Horizon Europe information days will cover 9 themes, each featuring a program of discussion and practical sessions devoted to different clusters and parts of the new program.

For more information click here.

MSCA European Green Deal Cluster Event

On July 6 and 7, 2021, the European Commission will organize the MSCA European Green Deal Cluster Event

The event will bring together excellent projects and researchers funded under MSCAs and other programs managed by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture, such as European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), European University Alliances, Erasmus+ and Creative Europe and will focus on topics such as Biodiversity, Eliminating pollution, Sustainable agriculture & soil health, Clean energy, Climate action,Green action, with concrete projects showcasing their research activities.

Cluster 5 "Climate, Energy & Mobility" - EC infoday & Brokerage event

On July 5 and 6, 2021, the European Commission will organize the first official Info Day on the 2021 Cluster 5 calls of Horizon Europe.

The event will be held online, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and will focus on climate, energy and mobility issues and the sectoral developments needed to achieve Europe's transition to climate neutrality. No registration is required.

More information is available at the following link.


On July 7, 2021, the online Brokerage event organized by the National Contact Points of Cluster 5 will be held in order to foster consortium building and networking among European R&I actors.

To participate, you must register at the following link, by July 5.

June 22, 2021 - Europe Table - UNIFE-APRE Training: "European Research Council (ERC) Funding in Horizon Europe"

The University of Ferrara together with APRE is organizing the meeting entitled "European Research Council (ERC) Funding in Horizon Europe".

The event will be held online, on the Webex platform, on June 22, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Registration is open to UNIPR staff and can be done until June 21, 2021 by filling out this form. The link for participation will be sent close to the meeting to those who have duly registered.

Six "UK driven" networking events on Clusters + Pathfinder - Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe's UK contact points are organizing a series of six events devoted entirely to networkingand pitching ideas and expertise under the new Framework Program.

The events are divided as follows:

June 14, 2021

Cluster 1 - Health

Cluster 2 - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society

June 17, 2021

Cluster 3 - Civil Security for Society

Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space + EIC Pathfinder Challenge Calls (deadline 27 October '21)

June 21, 2021

Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility

Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

All event information is available at the following link.


June 8-9, 2021 - Horizon Europe - Civil Security for Society Info Day, Brokerage Event and training for stakeholders

APRE is offering the first official security event under the new Horizon Europe program, organized by SEREN4 in close collaboration with the European Commission and the Research Executive Agency (REA). The information day will focus on the first Cluster 3 (Civil Security for Society) calls, the rules of participation and horizontal aspects, presented by EC & REA officials. Also planned is a brokerage event that will help create new partnerships and consortia in view of future project proposals in "Civil security for society".

The official website and registration link will soon be available on our website.

June 4, 2021 - APRElive special "Open Access and Open Data Perspective in Horizon Europe"

On June 4, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., there will be an online event organized by APRE that will cover news regarding the issues of Open Access and Open Data in the Horizon Europe program.

To participate, you must register at the following link.

June 1 - 4, 2021 - IDIH Week 2021


APRE is organizing IDIH Week, 4 days of online events to present the IDIH project - International Digital Health Cooperation for Preventive, Integrated, Independent and Inclusive Living, dedicated to information, networking and co-creation on opportunities for international cooperation on digital health for active and healthy aging.

The event will gather key stakeholders of digital solutions for AHA (Active & Healthy Aging) in Europe and beyond, targeting, in particular, R&I players in strategic countries for the sector, such as China, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and the United States.

The program will be as follows:

  • Info Day - June 1, 2021 - An opportunity to explore funding opportunities for international cooperation (Horizon Europe and beyond!) including directly from funding agencies in this area from strategic IDIH countries;
  • Partnering Days - June 2 and 3, 2021 - An opportunity to build partnerships, conduct B2Bs and pitches to promote their project ideas based on upcoming calls on the topic;
  • Innovation Day - June 4, 2021 - A discussion space led by IDIH experts where the state of the art of research and innovation in digital health for the AHA will be discussed, outlining future trends and perspectives, and pointing out possible policy paths.


International research funding opportunities: online events @UNIPR

To learn more about the new European programming for the period 2021-2027 and the existing support resources at the university for those who would like to try their hand at international research projects, as well as to discuss these calls directly with colleagues who have already participated in them, the UO European and International Research Support has organized two online events :

May 26, 2021, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - International research funding and researcher mobility opportunities: calls in the area of Humanities, Economics, Law and Social Sciences (SSH)

May 28, 2021, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - International research funding and researcher mobility opportunities: calls in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)

The events are open to all University staff engaged in research and research support activities. You can register for each event by emailing

May 25, 2021 - Horizon Europe - National Launch Day


On Tuesday, May 25, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., an online event will be held regarding the new EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe.

Various topics will be covered, with the intention of drawing with clarity and vision the many opportunities and unmissable challenges that open up for Italy with the seven-year term of Horizon Europe (2021- 2027). The following will be discussed: relationships and synergies between Horizon Europe, National Research Plan (NRP) and National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (NRP), international dimension, new innovations coming - from Missions to the new Bauhaus, from the European Innovation Council (EIC) to the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) to European partnerships.

The proceedings will be opened by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Education, Culture and Youth, and Maria Cristina Messa, Minister of Universities and Research. Speakers include Jean-Eric Paquet, Director General, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission and Maria Cristina Russo, Director, 'Global Approach & International Partnerships', DG Research and Innovation, European Commission.

To attend the event, one must register at the following link.

May 28, 2021 - Europe Table - "Impact in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) of Horizon Europe"

The University of Bologna together with APRE is organizing a meeting entitled "The Impact in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) of Horizon Europe".

The event will be held online, on the Webex platform, on May 28, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will focus on the MSCA Actions in Horizon Europe and the main innovations introduced, with a focus on the impact on researchers' career development.

Registration is open only to colleagues belonging to the member institutions and institutes of Tavolo Europa and located in the Emilia-Romagna region and can be made until May 26, 2021 through this form registration. The link for participation will be sent close to the meeting to those who have duly registered.

May 20, 2021 - Webinar "The ERC Novelties of the Model Grant Agreement in Horizon Europe"

On Thursday, May 20, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., the 3rd webinar organized by APRE together with ERCEA (ERC Executive Agency) regarding ERC novelties in the new Model Grant Agreement of Horizon Europe will be held.

Hosting the webinar will be Giuseppe Bambara, Head of Sector of the Grant Management Department of ERCEA.

Registration will be open until Tuesday, May 18, and a link to participate will be sent after that date.


May 17, 2021 - Towards Horizon Europe - Enhancing the Potential of Research and Innovation in Lombardy - The Role of European Union Funding

On Monday, May 17, from 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., the event "Towards Horizon Europe - Enhancing the Potential of Research and Innovation in Lombardy - The Role of European Union Funding" , organized by Regione Lombardia, will be held.

The event aims to increase knowledge and awareness of upcoming European opportunities in R&I, starting with the new Horizon Europe framework program, focusing on the most relevant topics of interest that can accelerate innovation and produce significant economic and social impact.

Per partecipare occorre registrarsi al seguente link.

May 6, 2021 - EIC Info Day

On Thursday, May 6, APRE will present the European Innovation Council (EIC). It will be an opportunity to delve into the features of the Work EIC 2021 Program, with a focus on practical aspects and success stories.

The day will consist of two main moments:

- an initial slot (9.30 a.m.-1.15 p.m.) that will feature an introduction by Jean David Malo, Director of the European Innovation Council (EIC) task force (European Commission), a presentation of the tools (from the EISMEA Executive Agency) and opportunities of the work plan as well as two discussion moments that will witness past experiences and suggestions, so as to provide useful inputs in view of the new challenges;

- a second slot (2:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.) moderated by APRE, during which the new AI Tool for EIC Accelerator proposal submission and related Proposal Templates dedicated to the EIC Pathfinder will be presented.

To participate, one must fill out the Registration Form at the following link, by May 4 this year.

May 5, 2021 - Horizon Europe - Mission Starfish 2030: for an Italian perspective of the sea

The Ministry of Universities and Research, in collaboration with APRE - Agency for the Promotion of European Research, Cluster BIG - Blue Italian Growth and the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), is organizing the meeting "The Mission Starfish 2030: for an Italian perspective of the sea," which will be held on May 5 from 3 p.m. to present the Mission "Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters," under the Horizon Europe program.

The structure of the event will consist of two main moments. The first, an introduction to the Mission concept and the role of the Starfish Mission within the new Horizon Europe program, and a second in which the actors and stakeholders involved, within the country system, will be given a voice on the issues of technological innovation and ecological transition in the marine and maritime spheres.

Inspired by the shape of the starfish, Mission Starfish 2030 aims to pursue five cross-cutting and complementary goals that, together, are intended to contribute to the restoration and regeneration of our waters and ocean, inspiring the concrete actions that will be taken. These relate to: (I) the need to fill the gaps that still exist in knowledge of the ocean and awareness of its importance to all of us, (II) regeneration of marine ecosystems, (III) reduction of pollutant emissions to zero, (IV) decarbonization of waters, marine, coastal and inland, and (V) renewal of ocean and water governance.

Save the dates - Training on Horizon Europe


We would like to inform you about the upcoming meetings on Horizon Europe organized by the University of Ferrara in collaboration with the APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) Emilia-Romagna Members Table, which UNIPR staff can also attend:

- Tuesday, May 4, 2021: "Marie Skłodowska Curie - Individual Fellowship", speaker will be Dr. Angelo d'Agostino, former Horizon 2020 National Contact Point for Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions;

- Tuesday, June 22, 2021: "ERC - European Research Council", speaker will be Dr. Marco Ferraro, former National Contact Point Horizon 2020 of Marie Skłodowska Curie and ERC actions.

Information to register and follow the events will be provided on this page in the days before each meeting.



Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - Webinar "A successful proposal for Horizon Europe: Scientific-technical excellence is key, but don't forget the other aspects"

The European Commission is organizing an information session open to all potential applicants to Horizon Europe calls, with reference to how to prepare their proposals. The session will complement the webinar 'How to prepare a successful proposal' held on March 24, 2021, and will focus on various aspects participants should consider when preparing their proposals: science, gender issues, dissemination, exploitation of results, and communication.

The seminar will be held on Youtube, at 10:00 am.

You can view the agenda at this link and register here. Following registration you will be sent a link with useful information (including presentations and registration afterwards), via e-mail, 2 days before the event.


April 15, 2021 - APRElive special "Gender Equality Plan: a new eligibility criterion"

On April 15 at 11:00 a.m., as part of APRElive special, the "Gender Equality Plan," a new eligibility criterion for Horizon Europe,

will be presented.

The following aspects will be analyzed:

  • When should it be ready?
  • .
  • What will it have to contain?
  • How will the entity have to organize itself?

Tuesday, April 13, 2021: "Horizon Europe Basic Course"

As part of the activities of the APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research) Emilia-Romagna Members' Table, in collaboration with all regional APRE members who have joined the working table, the University of Ferrara is organizing a series of training/information events on Horizon Europe for the coming months, in which the staff of UNIPR can also participate.

The first course will be held online on Tuesday, April 13, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will focus on the structure of the new Framework Program, starting with an analysis of the results of the old programming (Horizon 2020).

The speaker will be Dr. Matteo di Rosa, formerly the Horizon 2020 National Contact Point for the themes - Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials (SC5) and Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy (SC2)

To register, you must fill out questo form by Monday, April 12 at noon. The link to the event will be communicated to all participants when registration closes.

April 7, 2021 - Webinar "Ethics Review Process in ERC projects"

On Wednesday, April 7, from 15:00 to 17:00, there will be a webinar organized by APRE together with ERCEA (ERC Executive Agency) regarding the ethics review process in ERC projects.

The topics covered will be:

  • The new ethics submission form;
  • The ethics evaluation process in ERC projects.

The webinar will be given by Filipa Ferraz de Oliveira, Head of Sector of the Ethics Unit of ERCEA. Registration will be open until Friday, April 2, and a link to participate will be sent after this date.


Overview of Horizon Europe Clusters - Webinar Series

The KTN Global Alliance together with Innovate UK is organizing a series of webinars aimed at introducing in detail the various Clusters of Horizon Europe.The UK intends to maintain a close relationship with European partners in the new research and innovation program. The webinars are open to UK researchers as well as European delegates interested in participating in collaborative projects in Horizon Europe.

Next sessions:

March 22:


10:00 a.m. - Health

14:00 - Climate, Energy & Mobility

March 23:

10:00 a.m. - Digital, Industry & Space

14:00 - Food, Bioeconomy

March 25:


10:00 a.m. - Culture, Creativity & Inclusive Society and Civil Security for Society

March 30, 2021 - "New Model Grant Agreement"


The second appointment with APRElive special dedicated to Horizon Europe will have as its theme "What's New in the Model Grant Agreement, within the Horizon Europe projects. It is possible to say that, in principle, the MGA is in continuity with Horizon 2020 but also has significant changes, especially with reference to specific issues (e.g., personnel costs).

Irene Creta, expert in the legal and financial aspects of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, will explain the new elements and answer questions.

The meeting will be held from 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., after registration at the following link:

March 26 - Webinar "EIC Program Managers - Visions and Paths under the EIC"

The event, co-organized by the FETFX project and the Access2EIC National Points of Contact network, aims to guide the EIC R&I community, and in particular the former FET inherent community, on the main innovations introduced by the EIC on proactive management and EIC project portfolios and will be attended by the European Commission, the EIC Advisory Board and currently appointed Programme Managers.

The Webinar will be held from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm.

Participation is free, after registering at the following link:

March 25, 2021 - APRElive: the News for Members

Thursday, March 25, from 11:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. APRElive: the News for Members of APRE will outline a range of news about the upcoming Horizon Europe Framework Program

  • Activities for APRE members
  • Horizon Europe: a few weeks to the finish line (Mattia Ceracchi)
  • Association of third countries: where do we stand? (Martina Desole)
  • Model Grant Agreement of HE (Irene Creta)
  • EIC Pathfinder Open: calls for proposals opening very soon
  • New COVID call on SARS-CoV-2 variants coming soon
  • First forms and guides ready:
  • Chiara Pocaterra will point out the main new features of RIA/IA templates
  • Bruno Mourenza the news in ethics (the Guide and in the templates)
  • Marta Calderaro will talk about the EIC Pathfinder Open templates.

March 24 - EC Webinar: How to Prepare a Successful Proposal in Horizon Europe

The European Commission is organizing a webinar on how to prepare project proposals in Horizon Europe. The agenda will include two main items, "Project Submission and Evaluation" and "Model Grant Agreement."

This first webinar on Horizon Europe will take place on YouTube on March 24 from 10 am to 4:30 pm. Registration and agenda are available at this link.

March 18-19 - Launch of the new European Innovation Council

The European Innovation Council (EIC) is a key new feature of the Horizon Europe program and is Europe's most ambitious innovation initiative yet, with a budget of 10 billion euros for the period 2021-2027.

The EIC will support startups, SMEs, and research teams that develop high-risk, high-impact breakthrough innovations, contributing to the goals of the Green Deal and the European recovery plan.

The European Commission is organizing an online event for March 18 and 19 to present the EIC Work Program, which is expected to see its official opening on March 18.

The events will be available for streaming on the EUScienceInnov YouTube channel, at the link: No registration is required.

The program is as follows:

  • March 18 - 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Opening Day
  • March 19 - 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Applicants' Day

March 19 - APRElive Special "New European Bauhaus"

Because of technical problems, the APRElive special"New European Bauhaus" that was to be held on March 11 has been postponed to Friday, March 19 (h.11.00-12.00).

The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative that brings together a meeting space to design future ways of living, located at the crossroads of art, culture, social inclusion, science and technology. It brings the Green Deal to our living places and calls for a collective effort to imagine and build a sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful future for the heart and mind.

Alessandro Rancati, Policy Analyst at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) will speak, answering the following questions:

  • What is the New European Bauhaus initiative?
  • How do you contribute to the collection of examples and ideas?
  • How do you participate?
  • What calls will be published?

You can register for the event at questo link.

March 18-19 - "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Cluster Event on Cancer Research and Innovation"

The Research Executive Agency (REA) in collaboration with the Directorate General Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) of the European Commission is organizing the "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Cluster Event on Cancer Research and Innovation." A select number of promising projects related to cancer research, funded by the MSCA program, are being invited to share results and exchange ideas on how the European Union can improve various policies in the fight against cancer.

You will have the opportunity to hear from researchers specializing in the study of cancer, leaders in the following areas:

- Supporting physicians in diagnosis

- Drug development and therapy

- Immunotherapy

- Prevention and personalized medicine

- Quality of life of patients

March 23 - Online information event "Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under Horizon Europe"

The event aims to present the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) under the new Horizon Europe framework program: the MSC actions will be simplified so that they are easier to understand and implement and participate in funding. During the event, participants will learn about the changes to the program and hear the experiences of grantees, project managers, and fellows.

The information session is open to researchers, higher education institutions, research institutes, research funding agencies, and any other organizations currently involved in the implementation of MSC actions or interested in participating in the upcoming calls for the first time.

The event will be streamed, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at the following link:

Towards Horizon Europe: Model Grant Agreement Published


The Commission published a few days ago the Model Grant Agreement that will apply in Horizon Europe and Euratom projects, which will use mixed forms of cost. The general framework of the legal and financial aspects of the new framework program has thus been defined. In fact, based on the (new) corporate approach adopted by the European executive, the text of the MGA will contain only the regulation of legal and financial aspects common to all programs. Instead, Annex 5 will regulate the elements characterizing each program.

The document is available at the following link:

February 24 - National Mission Presentation Meeting: Caring for soil is caring for life

"Caring for soil is caring for life - Healthy Soil, Opportunities for a Sustainable Future"is the title of the Horizon Europe mission proposed by the Mission Board Soil Health and Food.

Next February 24 from 9:30 a.m. will be the first national presentation meeting of the initiative organized by the Ministry of University and Research, in collaboration with APRE - Agency for the Promotion of European Research, Santa Chiara Lab - University of Siena and ReSoil Foundation.

The mission goal is to ensure that 75 percent of soils are healthy by 2030 and are capable of providing essential ecosystem services, such as providing food and other biomass, sustaining biodiversity, storing and regulating water flow, or mitigating the effects of climate change. The target corresponds to a 100 percent increase in healthy soils from the current baseline.

February 2, 2021 - Horizon Europe: European launch event.

The Portuguese Presidency, together with the European Commission, organized the launch event for the new program on Tuesday. The launch was purely symbolic, since the legislative texts have not yet been approved and the publication of the calls will take place no sooner than two months. The event brought together representatives of European institutions and a large number of R&I stakeholders. Synergies between Horizon Europe and national recovery and resilience plans and the revitalization of the European Research Area (ERA) were discussed.

Work Programme 2024 Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU)

La Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) ha pubblicato il suo Programma di lavoro annuale per il 2024, con informazioni sul prossimo invito a presentare proposte di progetto.

Nel 2024, la CBE JU continuerà a sostenere l'aumento di scala delle tecnologie che portano alla diffusione industriale, stimolando così gli investimenti e la creazione di posti di lavoro, in linea con l'Agenda strategica per la ricerca e l'innovazione 2030 del partenariato. L'obiettivo è quello di coinvolgere una più ampia gamma di stakeholder, tra cui il settore primario, le autorità regionali e gli investitori, per sostenere la diffusione di soluzioni biobased.

Per questo motivo nel 2024 la CBE JU aprirà un bando per la presentazione di proposte di progetto su 18 topic, con un budget totale indicativo di 213 milioni di euro. Il bando finanzierà quattro tipologie di azioni:

  • Innovation actions – flagship (IA-flagship)
  • Innovation actions (IA)
  • Research and innovation actions (RIA)
  • Coordination and support actions (CSA)

Il bando verrà aperto il 24 aprile 2024 e la scadenza è prevista per il 18 settembre 2024. Informazioni dettagliate sui topic sono presenti sulla pagina dedicata della CBE JU.

Il 23 aprile 2024, in presenza a Bruxelles e in modalità streaming, è previsto l'evento CBE JU Info Day 2024. L'obiettivo dell'evento è quello di fornire informazioni sul prossimo bando per il 2024 e consentire di ampliare la propria rete di contatti.


Info day bandi PRIMA 2024

Il 30 gennaio dalle ore 15 presso l’Università Sapienza di Roma – Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale (Aula Giacomini, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5) è in programma un evento relativo alla presentazione dei bandi PRIMA 2024 e del rapporto sui progetti PRIMA 2018-2022, organizzato dal Ministero Università e Ricerca insieme al Segretariato italiano di PRIMA e in collaborazione con APRE. Sarà possibile seguire l’evento anche da remoto alla pagina del Segretariato Italiano di PRIMA disponibile qui:

Il programma PRIMA mira a rafforzare le capacità in R&I e sviluppare soluzioni innovative comuni nel settore dell'approvvigionamento idrico e dei sistemi alimentari nell’area mediterranea, migliorandone l'efficienza, per renderli più resilienti, efficienti e sostenibili. Tre sono le aree tematiche del programma: approvvigionamento idrico; sistemi agricoli; approvvigionamento agroalimentare. Ad esse si aggiungono azioni indirizzate al Water Energy Food Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus.

Dopo gli interventi di apertura, l’evento si articola in due sessioni, una dedicata alla presentazione del rapporto, l’altra alle tematiche dei bandi 2024 che apriranno formalmente giovedì 25 gennaio.

L’evento è aperto a tutte le persone interessate, previa registrazione qui.


MSCA Doctoral Networks - Key aspects of a project proposal


On March 13, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the St. Elizabeth Center on the university campus, the event dedicated to presenting the key features for submitting a project proposal under theMarie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN) will be held.

The Doctoral Networks are open to the formation of international consortia that include universities, research institutes, businesses, SMEs and other non-academic organizations, and must have the following requirements:

  1. at least three independent legal entities, each established in a different EU member state or in a country associated with Horizon Europe and with at least one of them established in an EU member state;
  2. besides this minimum, other organizations from any country in the world can also join;
  3. specific conditions apply to "Industrial and Joint Doctorates."

The informational event is intended for all University staff employed in MSCA-DN project proposal writing and preparation activities.

It will be possible to take part in the event only in attendance, and given the maximum capacity of the lecture hall of 50 people, seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis (first-served).


To reserve a place, you need to fill out the registration form

Download event agenda for all information

Human Frontier Science Program - Research Grants


The Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) promotes international collaboration in basic research innovative research focused on understanding fundamental biological problems. HFSP research grants emphasize new and interdisciplinary approaches even across national borders. This involves high-risk research, including strategies to mitigate it.


HFSP involves two types of grants:

  • Research grant - Early career in which all team members must lead a research group (however small) and hold a doctoral degree. In addition, they must be able to initiate and direct their own independent lines of research.
  • Research grant - Program is awarded to groups of independent researchers at any stage of their careers who intend to develop new lines of research through collaboration.

Both types of grants provide three-year support to groups of researchers consisting of 2 to 4 members. Grants are given in the form of fixed amounts that depend on the size of the group.


The grant covers costs specifically related to the project including salaries or stipends for research assistants (postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, technicians) essential to the new collaborative project. However, the grant does not allow to cover the costs of stpendio of the Principal Applicant or Co-Applicant.


For application submission, a letter of intent will need to be submitted by March 30, 2023 for which a letter of intent identification number will need to be requested by March 21, 2023. The Principal Applicant will be notified by early July if the team will be invited to submit a full proposal.

For more information regarding the criteria for consortium composition, eligibility criteria, and the proposal submission and selection process, please refer to the call page.

Call Research-in-Residence Fellowships - University of Passau

The University of Passau (Germany) is promoting the following funding opportunity:Research-in-Residence Fellowships at the Passau International Center for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Passau/Germany in 2023 and 2024.

The program invites talented young researchers at the post-doctoral level and internationally established researchers who are engaged inresearch in the humanities, social sciences, economics, law, computer science, and mathematics and who want to advance their excellent and innovative research ideas through interdisciplinary scholarly activities under the supervision of a member of the University of Passau. Although the opportunity to apply is open to all research fields, priority will be giventothe strategic themes of the University:

  • Europe and Global Transformation;
  • Migration, Sustainable Development and Just Order;
  • Digitalization, Networked Society and (Internet) Cultures.

The main objectives of the program are to create a free workspace, support joint research projects, improve early-career training, and promote interaction between fellows and local researchers.

The mobility program funds full-time research fellowships for short-term stays from two months to six months.

Further details on the eligibility criteria, selection process and funding are available on the dedicated webpage.

The deadline for applications is March 15 for 2023 grants and October 17 for 2024 grants. To apply, you must email your application to:


National Info Day - Horizon Europe Week 2023


APRE in agreement with the MUR has organized the Horizon Europe Week, which will take place online from January 23 to 27. The various sessions will be dedicated to the 'in-depth study, from a more practical and operational point of view, of the individual topics and funding opportunities available to Italian researchers and innovators throughout the new year, based on the Work Programmes 2023-2024, to increase the chances of success in participating in the 2023 calls. During the sessions dedicated to individual Clusters, the new EU Missions calls and European Partnerships will also be discussed, while a specific session will be dedicated to the Institutionalized Innovative Health Initiative (IHI)Institutionalized Partnership to present the first calls and all peculiarities related to them.

You can view the program for the entire week here.

Participation in the events is free and open to all interested stakeholders, subject to registration at this link.

Also, below is the agenda of the last Info days and Brokerage events organized by the European Commission scheduled in January:

These events offer proposers a unique opportunity to obtain up-to-date information, engage in discussions on new project ideas and achievements, facilitate partnership building, and strengthen as well as extend their international and cross-sectoral network.

Publication Work Programmes 2023-2024

All the Work Programmes for the two-year period 2023-2024 related to the Horizon Europe Framework Program for Research and Innovation have been officially published. The Work Programmes are the most important documents for discovering the funding opportunities offered in Horizon Europe. Each one presents all the calls for proposals planned for the next biennium, specifying their outcomes, available budget, deadlines and how to participate. The Work Programs are freely available in this section of the European Union's Funding&Tenders portal and are also always available on the Elly Proform platform - accessible here.

Also of particular interest to SSH disciplines, please note that the Work Programs 2023-2024 of the CERV programs and JUSTICE in which applicants are provided with detailed information on the policy areas that the EU will fund in the next two years. They, too, are available on the Funding&Tenders portal and the Elly Proform platform.

Call EU-FORA 2023-2024 (EUBA-EFSA-2022-ENREL-02) and event "Funding opportunities in the EFSA 2023 Workplan"

On November 8, EFSA published the new Call EU-FORA 2023-2024 (EUBA-EFSA-2022-ENREL-02).

The objective is to strengthen the capacity of food risk assessment (including animal and plant health) and the knowledge community in Europe by promoting and coordinating the development of uniform methodologies in the areas within EFSA's mission.


The EU-FORA program will provide a 12-month fellowship to professionals in the fields involved, while intensifying cooperation between national food safety agencies and EFSA.

The deadline to apply is March 15, 2023 at 5:00 pm CET.

The following is some of the main information regarding the call:

  • Project proposals must be submitted by a consortium of two organizations based in two different countries in the EU, Norway or Iceland. One of the organizations will act as the sending organization, proposing a fellow to be trained under a work program offered by the other consortium partner, which will act as the host site and will be responsible for training the fellow.
  • The maximum project duration is 12 months from the date of the initial EU-FORA training, which usually takes place the first week of September.
  • .
  • EFSA's contribution is a maximum of €55,000 per scholarship to support all costs of both the sending and host organizations.

For detailed information and to view related materials, please refer to the site of EFSA and the text of the call.

In addition, on December 13 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EFSA is holding an online event titled: "Funding opportunities in the EFSA 2023 Workplan".

The first part of the event will focus on administrative and financial aspects of partnership projects. The second part will provide an overview of areas where EFSA plans to launch calls for grants in 2023 as well as explain the mechanism through which interested parties can engage with EFSA.

Participation in the event is free after registering here by December 4. At the same link you can view the agenda and all the detailed information about the event.

MSA Staff Exchanges 2022


The new call MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022 (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01) is officially open,the aim of which is to provide support for joint research and innovation (R&I) projects through staff exchanges as part of partnerships between universities, research infrastructures, companies and other socio-economic actors in Europe and beyond, thereby strengthening cross-sectoral and international collaboration.

The deadline to apply is March 8, 2023 at 5:00 pm CET.

The following is some of the key information regarding the call:

  • Applications must be submitted by a consortium comprising at least three independent legal entities in three different countries, two of which are based in a different EU member state or in a country associated with Horizon Europe.
  • The maximum project duration is 48 months from the start date established in the Grant Agreement.
  • .

    For detailed information please refer to MSCA Work Programme 21-22, especially p. 35 for the call and p. 94 for its specific conditions. In addition, the call is also available through the Funding and Tenders.


    Info day PRIMA calls 2023


    On February 1 at 11:30 a.m., an online information event related to PRIMA 2023 calls is scheduled, organized by the Ministry of University and Research together with the Italian PRIMA Secretariat and in collaboration with APRE.

    The PRIMA program aims to strengthen capacities in R&I and develop common innovative solutions in water supply and food systems in the Mediterranean region, improving their efficiency, to make them more resilient, efficient and sustainable. There are three thematic areas: water supply; agricultural systems; and agrifood supply. They are complemented by actions addressed to the WATER ENERGY FOOD ECOSYSTEMS (WEFE) NEXUS.

    Following the publication of the preliminary version of the FIRST Annual Work Plan 2023, European planning experts will present the calls contained therein for the year 2023. They will also explain the methods and process for preparing project proposals within Section 2 (nationally funded).

    The event is open to all interested persons, upon registration here.


    NGI Enrichers - PAIRED TEAMS Call

    As part of the European project NGI Enrichers - Next Generation Internet Transatlantic Fellowship Program, the first "PAIRED TEAMS call" has been launched to support researchers and innovators, both with technical backgrounds and in the humanities, social sciences and multidisciplinary fields, working on the development of the Next Generation Internet and related technologies.

    The first "PAIRED TEAMS call" will select up to 12 applicants to fund 3- to 6-month expeditions to the United States or Canada to foster long-term collaborations with host organizations on NGI-themed technologies and services while enhancing knowledge sharing. The funding is intended to cover travel, subsistence (EUR 3,800 for each full month of stay) and visa expenses for visiting fellows from Europe of both the winning fellows and their hosts. During their time abroad, the selected fellows will participate in bootcamps and coaching with mentors, increase their visibility, help build collaboration, and much more!

    The deadline for the call for applications is January 31, 2023.

    To participate in the Paired Teams call for proposals, it is necessary to identify a U.S. or Canadian host organization willing to establish a research or innovation collaboration on NGI-related topics and then submit a project proposal in accordance with the guidelines published here. All information is available here.



    New European Bauhaus

    The New European Bauhaus (NEB)is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative launched in January 2021 that aims to connect the European Green Deal to everyday spaces and experiences with the goal of imagining and building together a sustainable and inclusive future. Seven Horizon Europe calls are dedicated to this initiative while nineteen others call for creating synergies with the communities created by the New European Bauhaus.

    List of 2023-2024 NEB calls in Horizon Europe

    To fully understand the rationale and mission of this initiative, APRE is organizing an online information session on January 19, 2023 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. for researchers from Member Institutions (including UNIPR) with the aim of providing the public with valuable and useful information on how to properly respond to the calls and include the most appropriate measures within their project proposal. You can register for the event at this link.

    Relator of the event will be Erminia Sciacchitano (Ministry of Culture - MIC), New European Bauhaus National Contact Point for Italy and former Policy Officer "Culture - Heritage, Economy of Culture" for DG Education and Culture of the European Commission, who will tell about the New European Bauhaus with the experience and knowledge of those who have seen the initiative come to life.




The European Commission is organizing Brokerage events and Info days for each theme of the new Horizon Europe Framework Program for Research and Innovation, to be held Dec. 6-19.

These events offer proposers a unique opportunity to meet and discuss their ideas and expertise with new partners and to strengthen their international networks.

Why participate?

  • Get the latest information from the European Commission;
  • .
  • Building partnerships;
  • Facilitating the start-up of consortia;
  • Discussing new project ideas;
  • Intersectoral networking;
  • Promote your achievements, technology and know-how.

Take a look at all the info days


  1. RIS - Research Infrastructures December 06, 2022 - Link to event
  2. Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space December 12-13-14, 2022 - Link to event
  3. Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility December 15-16, 2022 - Link to event
  4. Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment December 13 - 14, 2022 - Link to event
  5. EIC - European Innovation Council December 13, 2022 - Link to event
  6. WIDERA December 12, 2022 - Link to the event

Take a look at all the brokerage events

  1. Cluster 4 - Digital December 15-16, 2022 - Register for the Brokerage Event dedicated to Cluster 4
  2. Cluster 4 - Space December 8, 2022 - Register for the Brokerage Event dedicated to Cluster 4
  3. Cluster 4 - Industry December 14, 2022 - Register for the Brokerage Event dedicated to Cluster 4
  4. Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility December 15, 2022 - Register for the Brokerage Event dedicated to Cluster 5
  5. Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment December 19, 2022 - Register for the Brokerage Event dedicated to Cluster 6

In addition, Next December 16 will take place an online event dedicated to the AMI2030 initiative, the Manifesto for the Future of the Materials Ecosystem driving the green and digital transition in Europe. The event will be held in two two-hour sessions:

  • "Discovering AMI2030" | h. 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (English session): The morning session, organized by the network of national contact points for Cluster4-Industry, is intended to introduce the the AMI2030 initiative to the .
  • .
  • "AMI2030 and the Italian materials community" | h. 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. (Italian session): the afternoon session aims to complement the morning session and engage the Italian community in a common reflection to maximize participation in the initiative.

Following the announcement of the launch of the call for the selection of host sites and fellows for the 2023-2024 cycle of the EU-FORA program, EFSA informs that on December 20, 2022, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. (CET) there will be an online information session on Teams, aimed at organizations competent in risk assessment in food safety, which you can participate in by logging on to this link. Following the event, the answers to the questions raised and the recording of the session will be posted on the EFSA website on the documentation related to the call.


The webinar aims to inform possible participants in the call of the changes introduced in the submission of applications and some specifics concerning the call, including information on how to register in the portal of funding opportunities and tenders and how to search for partners.

The EFSA also announces that a follow-up session will be held on February 7, 2023, to further support this process and answer additional questions.

Further information on EU-FORA and the call for applications is available at this link.

GREENET Brokerage Event Horizon Europe Cluster 5 calls for proposals 2023

GREENET, the NCP Cluster 5 network coordinated by APRE, is organizing the online event of networking and brokerage "GREENET Brokerage Event - Horizon Europe Cluster 5 calls for proposals 2023" on December 15, 2022 - jointly with l’Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and with the H2020 project W4RES - Focusing on the 2023 calls.


The main objective of the event is to support all stakeholders who intend to apply for funding by supporting the development of consortia and project ideas.

Participants will have the opportunity to present their organization and project ideas in two different ways:

  • Pitching Session: participants will be able to present their organizations and ideas for project proposals in front of the audience in the form of a short oral presentation via the following TEMPLATE , illustrating their project idea for a maximum of 4 minutes. The submission deadline for the pitching application is November 21, 2022. Please send your presentation with the following subject line: Oral presentation Cluster 5 WP 2023 - Name of organization to and to and to
  • Bilateral Meetings (B2B)

Both the pitching session and the bilateral meetings will be online through the b2match platform.

Find out all the news and register for the event


WEBINAR - The integration of social-humanities disciplines in the Horizon Europe program

On December 7, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., there will be an online dissemination event organized by our University in collaboration with APRE entitled "The Integration of Social-Humanities Disciplines in the Horizon Europe Program".

The goal is to explore, within Horizon Europe, which calls and topics need the contribution of SSH disciplines and how to find funding opportunities in the social-humanities field within the Framework Program.The second part of the event will focus on analyzing the template for submitting project proposals.

The meeting will be held by Dr. Margot Bezzi, APRE trainer and expert in technology and society, RRI and digital transformation as well as a member of the Cluster 2 competence team.

For all the details of the meeting you can consult the program agenda.

Access is restricted to all staff of organizations that are part of the APRE-ER membership table interested in the new Horizon Europe calls, especially in the SSH area, including UNIPR staff.

Registrations can be made by filling out this formby December 5. The link for participation will be sent on Dec. 6 to all subscribers.


Info session funding opportunities

The European and International Research Support OU is organizing two in-person and online outreach events dedicated to presenting European and international funding opportunities.

The first event will take place on November 8 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Santa Elisabetta Center (Campus), and will focus on funding opportunities for STEM disciplines.

The second event will be held on Nov. 9 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Lecture Hall C, SEA Department, Kennedy Street 6, 1st floor, and has as its main target audience Departments pertaining to SSH disciplines.

Access is free and open to all persons interested in the new calls. In-person attendance is strongly recommended, however both events will also be streamed on the Microsoft Teams platform. Updates regarding the agenda and how to register will follow in the coming weeks.

During the sessions, a detailed overview of funding programs, the main features of open or opening calls as well as how to fund and participate will be provided.

Relative to the Horizon Europe program, all interested parties are reminded that on the Elly Proform platform- freely accessible here - draft Work Programmes for the two-year period 2023-2024 related to all the pillars of this EU Framework Programme are always available and searchable.


WEBINAR - Co-creation Processes in European Design

On Nov. 7 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. will be held the webinar "Co-creation Processes in European Design" organized by the University of Bologna in collaboration with APRE. The webinar aims to provide useful elements for the choice of method and analyze the application in cases of design and execution of activities.

The webinar will be given by Riccardo Coletta, Senior Project Manager at APRE. The event agenda is available at this link.

Access is open to staff of organizations that are part of the APRE-ER membership table, and UNIPR staff can therefore participate.

To register for the event, you must fill out this form. The link to the link will be communicated to registrants shortly before the meeting via email.


WEBINAR - European Innovation Council: The EIC Pathfinder Tool

On Nov. 3 from 2 to 5 p.m., the Athenaeum in collaboration with APRE is organizing a webinar titled "European Innovation Council: The EIC Pathfinder tool".

The objective of the webinar is to learn about the EIC Pathfinder scheme, which, with a bottom-up approach, funds inter- and multidisciplinary research teams that explore radically new ideas and technologies, even at other risk, by supporting the early stages of technology development (Technology Readiness Level 1-4).

For full details of the event you can check the program agenda.

You can participate in the event after registering by October 28 via online form. Please note that participation in the event is reserved only for staff of entities participating in the Tavolo Europa of Emilia Romagna.


Annual Conference APRE 2022

Also this year, APRE is organizing the APRE 2022 Annual Conference addressed to the Italian R&I community to stimulate dialogue on the Horizon Europe framework program, delving into its themes, novelties and challenges in light of its structural complexity.

The event for the general public will be held Oct. 25-28 online and will feature meetings with different formats: APREdialogue between experts and representatives of European and Italian institutions to discuss the hottest topics in R&I; APREbrief to learn about new and upcoming calls; APREspace reserved for APRE Members to discuss topics of common interest through workshops; APREoff reserved for APRE Members to (re)discover science through stories.

Further information and the conference program can be found at link.

The Conference sessions are open to participation by all people interested in research and innovation issues. Participation in the Conference is free after registration. Through the dedicated formyou can choose to attend any or all of the organized sessions.


WEBINAR - The legal and financial aspects of Horizon Europe with a focus on Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions

On October 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., there will be an online training course organized by the University of Bologna in collaboration with APRE entitled "Horizon Europe: the legal and financial aspects and the new Model Grant Agreement with focus: Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions".

The course will be taught by Dr. Valentina Fioroni and Dr. Angelo D'Agostino, APRE trainers in European project design, reporting and management. The agenda for the event is available at this link.

Access is open to staff from organizations that are part of the APRE-ER membership table interested in the new Horizon Europe calls, and UNIPR staff can therefore attend.

Registrations can be made by filling out this form. The link for participation will be sent close to the meeting to those who have duly registered.


Legal and Financial Aspects Horizon Europe

Unimore University, in the context of Horizon Europe, on October 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. is organizing an online dissemination seminar dedicated to the universities of Emilia-Romagna entitled: "The Horizon Europe program: legal and financial aspects and procedures for submitting project proposals and reporting".

The event agenda is available qui. To attend the event, you must register at this link.


EIT Health - funding opportunities


EIT Health was established in 2015 as a "Knowledge and Innovation Community" (KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The EIT is composed of several KICs, each focusing on a different sector or area of innovation, in this case health and aging. The idea behind the EIT's KICs is that innovation flourishes best when the right people are brought together to share expertise.

The so-called "knowledge triangle" is the principle that when experts from business, research and education work together, an optimal environment for innovation is created. Putting the "knowledge triangle" theory into practice requires a collaborative approach. Therefore, some 150 EIT partner organizations and thousands of start-ups and entrepreneurs are involved in EIT Health, bringing together the brightest minds in the health sector to address some of the biggest health challenges facing Europe.

Funding programs offered by the KIC provide opportunities to learn new skills, connect with a vast network of experts, access new markets and funding, and are suitable for various levels of experience (students, health professionals, entrepreneurs, or anyone in between).

At this link you can find currently open calls.

For more information you can visit the EIT Health website at the following address



21-22 September 2022 - Horizon Europe Info Day Event

APRE, in agreement with the MUR and MISE is organizing the event entitled Info Day Horizon Europe, which will be held on September 21 and 22 with the purpose of introducing and commenting on the new calls for co-funded partnerships in Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility and Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment.

The day of September 21 will be dedicated to Cluster 5. The first Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) call will promote the transition to clean energy with a total budget of about 140 million euros; the Driving Urban Transitions to a sustainable future (DUT), on the other hand, will focus on critical issues for urban transition.

Sessions on Sept. 22 will cover Cluster 6. The Water4All - Water Security for the Planet co-funded partnership makes available a total of €30 million for proposals submitted by Oct. 31, 2022; the Biodiversity+ co-funded partnership has a total budget of €40 million for projects aimed at safeguarding and protecting the ecosystem of the European continent.

All necessary information and the program agenda can be found at link.

Participation in the event is free upon registration. You can, in addition, choose to attend one or all of the organized sessions through the dedicated form.


Sony Research Award Program 2022

The Sony Research Award 2022 program is now open, sponsored by Sony, which, as one of the world's most innovative and recognizable brands, wants to commit itself to supporting university research and innovation in the United States, Canada, India, and a number of European countries, including Italy, while promoting partnerships with university faculty and researchers.

The program provides funding for cutting-edge academic research and helps build collaborative relationships between Sony faculty and researchers. With awards of up to 150,000 per year for each accepted proposal, the program offers new opportunities for university faculty and research institutions to engage in pioneering research that could drive new technologies, industries, and the future.

The deadline for submission of proposals is September 15, 2022.

All necessary information, as well as program guidelines, is available at the following link.

For any questions regarding the program you can contact the funding agency by filling out the following form.



European Innovation Council's (EIC)

new work program 2022 published.

The new work program of the European Innovation Council (EIC) was published on February 9. The EIC aims to identify and support technologies based on breakthrough and disruptive innovation that have the potential to scale up at the European and international level and thus become market leaders.

The new EIC Work Program introduces novelties and simplifications across the innovation spectrum, represented by its three tools: Pathfinder, Transition and Accelerator. The division into deadlines on open topics (Open) and on topics considered strategic (Challenges) remains valid for the three tools.

In addition to formal novelties we find in the three tools additional innovative themeson Challenges: six different ones for the Pathfinder ranging from health technologies to quantum processes, three for the Transition tool and two for the Accelerator tool.

The text of the new Work Program is available at the following link.

More information on the new Work Programme, open calls and upcoming calls is available at the dedicated APRE page, national point of contact.


June 20, 2022 - Sixth APRE/ERCEA Webinar: "The Grant Agreement Preparation Phase in ERC Projects."

On June 20 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. will be held the 6th webinar organized by APRE - Agency For the Promotion of European Research together with ERCEA - ERC Executive Agency concerning the phase of Grant Agreement Preparation in ERC projects.

The webinar will be given by Andrea Romano, Head of Sector of the Grant Management & Granting Coordination unit of ERCEA. Registration will be open until Friday, June 17, 12 noon, and a link to participate will be sent after this date.

You must register at the following link.




23-24 June #MISSIONITALIA - National info day on EU Missions 2022 calls

On June 23 and 24, the event "#MISSIONITALIA Horizon Europe - National Info day on EU Missions 2022 calls" organized by APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research), in agreement with the Ministry of University and Research, will be held online.

The European Commission has opened the new calls dedicated to the five challenges considered priorities for European society (and beyond), with a deadline of next September. Successfully participating in the 2022 calls of the EU Missions Work Program is a real national mission. That's why, following up on the European events, the national info days offer an all-Italian focus on the funding, conditions and considerations needed to enable the most diverse actors-from the research and innovation world to public administration and businesses to active citizenship organizations and movements-to participate in the calls with quality proposals and partnerships.

The event is organized into a horizontal session that will tell the progress in the implementation of the Missions of Horizon Europe and five thematic sessions each dedicated to a specific Mission:

  • Adaptation to Climate change
  • .
  • Cancer
  • .
  • Restoring our Ocean and Waters by 2030
  • 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030
  • A Soil Deal for Europe

Participation in the events is free upon registration. You can choose to attend any or all of the organized sessions through the dedicated form.

University Call for Research Grants to support the submission of projects under the first pillar of the framework program for research "Horizon Europe" (Call for Excellent Science Grants)

Our University launches the National Call for Excellent Science Grants, aimed at encouraging the participation of the University's research groups in European funding programs, and funded with resources under D.M. No. 737 of 06/25/2021 under the National Research Program (NRP)".


Specifically, the Athenaeum intends to invest these resources for the benefit of Athenaeum faculty members who wish to submit a project proposal in response to a call in the European Research Council or Marie-Slodowska Curie Action programs (the first pillar of Horizon Europe's "Excellent Science") and, more specifically, in the calls:

  • ERC Starting Grant
  • ERC Consolidator grant
  • ERC Advanced Grant
  • ERC Synergy Grant
  • MSCA Doctoral Network
  • MSCA Postdoctoral fellowship
  • MSCA Staff Exchange

These resources are intended for the activation of 16 one-year first-tier checks that will be allocated as follows:

  • 8 grants intended for research activities whose topics are traceable to the ERC Physical Sciences & Engineering and Life Science panels;
  • 8 grants intended for research activities whose topics are attributable to the ERC Social Sciences & Humanities panel;

Proposals should be sent by the Proposer to by May 6, 2022.


May 13, 2022 - GIURI Open "A new innovation policy for Europe"

On May 13 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m:00 there will be a meeting organized by the GIURI Group (Gruppo Informale Uffici di Rappresentazione Italiani per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione), in collaboration with APRE and Confindustria, which will focus on innovation policy for Europe and in particular on the 3 funding instruments of the 3rd pillar of Horizon Europe (European Innovation Council, European Institute of Innovation and Technology andthe European Innovation Ecosystems Program).


The meeting will be held online on the Microsoft Teams platform and to participate you must register at the following link by 1 p.m. on May 12. The link for participation will be sent near the event.


May 17-19, 2022 - HE Missions Bandi 2022 - Brokerage event & Infodays

The brokerage event dedicated to the 2022 calls of the Horizon Europe Work program dedicated to Missions will be held virtually on May 19. The event, organized by the Bridge2HE network of National Contact Points, will follow the two-day Infoday organized by the European Commission on the Mission 2022 calls scheduled for May 17 and 18.

With the aim of bringing together stakeholders who intend to apply for funding in the 2022 calls dedicated to Horizon Europe's five Missions, due to be published on May 12 with deadlines due in September 2022, the brokerage will be a free networking opportunity to meet, discuss and share project ideas among potential European proposers, paving the way for possible future consortia.

After their registration and presentation of their cooperation profile, participants will be able to pre-arrange bilateral meetings with a special matchmaking tool.

You can register by May 17 here.

More information about the infoday is available here.

To learn more about Horizon Europe's Missions you can consult the APRE page dedicated to here.


May 17, 2022 - APRE-UNIFE Training Course: The Impact in Horizon Europe

On May 17, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., a training course organized by APRE in collaboration with the University of Ferrara entitled "The Impact in Horizon Europe" will be held online.

The course will be taught by Dr. Claudia Iasillo, a trainer at APRE, who works mainly in European project design, communication and management with a focus on the relationship between science and society. In particular, she works on projects focused on science communication, stakeholder engagement, Open Science, Public Engagement and Citizen Science.

Registrations are open to UNIPR staff and can be made by filling out this form. The link for participation will be sent close to the meeting to those who have duly registered.


April 13, 2022 - Webinar: IP in EU funded projects with a special focus on MSCA

The European IP Heldpesk is organizing a webinar entitled "IP in EU funded projects with a special focus on MSCA," to be held on April 13, 2022, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

The course will be taught by Lèa Montesse, European IP Helpdesk Helpline.

The following topics will be covered during the webinar:

  • Relevant Intellectual Proprety issues for MSCA proposals
  • .
  • Particularities of MSCA grant agreements
  • .
  • Ownership of background and results
  • .
  • Questions from MSCA participants received at the EIPRHD
  • MSCA success stories
  • .

To participate, you must register at the following link.


April 26, 2022 - Europe Table - UNIFE-APRE Training: Horizon Europe: European Partnership

The University of Ferrara together with APRE organizes the training event entitled Horizon Europe: European Partnership, which aims to tell about a key aspect of the new Program, between novelty and evolution: the concept of European Partnership.

The event will be held online, on the Webex platform, on April 26, 2022 from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Registration is open to UNIPR staff and can be done by filling out this form. The link for participation will be sent close to the meeting to those who have duly registered.


21 - 24 March 2022: Digital Health & Aging - IDIH Week 2022

Between March 21 and 24, the IDIH Week 2022, organized by APRE as part of the IDIH - International Digital Health Cooperation for Preventive, Integrated, Independent and Inclusive Living. It will be a week of events dedicated to international cooperation opportunities on the topic of digital health for active aging.

The event offers information sessions on international cooperation opportunities, as well as sessions dedicated to networking and brokerage, through the matchmaking platform and project idea sharing spaces, expertise offer/request, as well as co-creation sessions with key players in Research and Innovation internationally.


Info Day (March 21, 2022) - An opportunity to learn about international cooperation opportunities in the field of digital health for active and healthy aging, starting with the results and products of the IDIH project.

US Regional Workshop (March 21, 2022) - A workshop dedicated to the U.S. research and innovation landscape in the field of digital health and aging, with a focus on the impact of COVID on the lives of older people, featuring start-ups, investors, and patient associations.

Partnering Days (March 22 and 23, 2022) - These days offer a space to showcase one's business and project ideas in the field of digital health for active and healthy aging.

Japan Regional Workshop (March 23, 2022) - A Roundtable with the participation of the Japanese Ministry of Interior and Communication and some key players in the R&I landscape in Japan.

Innovation Day (March 24, 2022) - 2 Expert Panels will open co-creation sessions to address the topic of digital solutions applied to aging based on the three areas suggested by the IDIH Expert Forum to strengthen international cooperation in the field: Data Governance, Digital Inclusion, and Interoperability-by-design.

To participate, you need to register at the following link.

More information is available on the event page.


March 30, 2022 - Israel and Italy cooperation in Horizon Framework Programs. Best practices and future opportunities

On March 30, 2022, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., an event entitled "Israel and Italy cooperation in Horizon Framework Programs. Best practices and future opportunities", organized by APRE and ISERD, National Contact Points Horizion Europe for Italy and Israel, in collaboration with the Embassy of Israel in Italy and the Embassy of Italy in Tel Aviv.

Building on the areas of increased bilateral cooperation under Horizon 2020, the event aims to further strengthen cooperation between Italy and Israel under the current European Framework Program for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe.

H2020 projects that have been characterized as good practices of Italy-Israel cooperation will be analyzed, highlighting challenges and strengths of bilateral cooperation in strategic areas of Research and Innovation.

There will follow an information session on the current opportunities offered by Horizon Europe, with an in-depth look at the Program's Destinations that cover areas of particular relevance for Italy-Israel cooperation under the EU's comprehensive approach to Research and Innovation (ex. Greentech, Agrifood, Health).

The event is free, after registering at this link.

2 - 9 - 16 March 2022 - Digital Transformation in European Programming 2021 - 2027

ART-ER, in collaboration with Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna and APRE, is organizing three online training sessions dedicated to digital transformation in European programming 2021-27, which will be held on March 2, 9 and 16, from 10:30 to 12:30.

The objective of the initiative is to provide participants with useful tools and information to access funding opportunities related to Digital Transformation in current EU funding programs.

The first meeting (March 2) aims to provide an overview with respect to the European Commission's policies and priorities in the area of digital, with particular reference to the Europe fit for a Digital Age, Digital Compass 2030 and European Green Deal strategies. Specific attention will also be paid to the European Union's strategies for artificial intelligence (AI) and the data economy.

The second meeting (March 9) will offer a detailed overview of European programming with reference to opportunities for public entities, including universities and research centers. Special attention will be paid to the support allocated to the digital sector in the European R&I program Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe Program.

The third meeting (March 16) will present funding opportunities in the digital sector for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises under Horizon Europe, cascade funding, and the Digital Europe Program. This will be followed by a session addressing services to support SMEs, primarily the Enterprise Europe Network.

To attend, you must register at the following link.

February 22 - Info session EFSA funding opportunities

On February 22 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. an info session will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform regarding the various funding opportunities offered by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

EFSA regularly awards funding (Grant) For projects and activities that contribute to the Authority's mission in the areas of data collection, preparatory work for scientific opinions and other scientific and technical assistance, while through the instrument of the Procurement the Authority purchases services and supplies through public procurement.

The initiative is organized by the universities of the Emilia-Romagna region and the Region's Europass service. The National Focal Point of EFSA will also be present.

Per partecipare occorre collegarsi al seguente link.


EIT Manufacturing: Call for Proposals 2023

The pre-calls for 'Innovation 2023' projects under the EIT Manufacturing, the innovation community of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which involves major manufacturing players in Europe

, open on February 9.

The pre-calls, which close on March 11, are critical for project finalization, which will take place by April 29. Presentation meetings are scheduled on the 4 project themes:

January 19, 2022: "AI and digital twins for manufacturing systems."

January 25, 2022: "Smart technologies for circular and green manufacturing"

January 27, 2022: "Collaborative robots and solutions for flexible manufacturing"

February 01, 2022: "Automation for human-centered factories"

You can attend the meetings by visiting this site or get more information about EIT manufacturing and the calls by writing to:


February 16, 2022: Webinar on avoiding personnel cost errors in Horizon 2020 grant

The European Commission has organized a webinar to be held on Feb. 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., which will focus on the proper management of personnel cost reporting in Horizon2020 projects, a major source of errors in audits.

The event will be streamed on Youtube and pre-registration is not required.

The link to attend and the agenda are available at following link.


January 27, 2022: Consortia Building Event - Cluster 2 'Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society'

A European networking event on Cluster 2 'Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society' calls will be held on January 27 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Italian time).

The event, organized by Innovate UK KTN Global Alliance in collaboration the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, UK Science and Innovation Network in Italy, English, German and Italian contact points in APRE, will be held online and will focus on two of the three Cluster 2 destinations:

  • Destination 1 - Democracy and Governance
  • Destination 2 - Social and Economic Transformation.

This will not be an informational event, but will focus on presenting project ideas, networking and building partnerships.

The event is suitable for anyone who is interested in collaborating in European research and innovation projects, is looking to submit a project or wants to join a consortium to participate in one of the upcoming 2022 calls in Cluster 2.

To participate, you must register at seguente link by January 25.

L’agenda dettagliata è disponibile al seguente link.


February 4, 2022: Horizon Europe Cluster 5 Brokerage Event

On February 4, a European networking event on the Cluster 5 "Climate, Energy and Mobility" calls will be held, organized by the Horizon Europe Program's National Contact Points network.

The event is aimed at supporting those interested in the funding opportunities offered by Cluster 5 and the search for consortium partners.

To participate in the initiative, you must register at seguente link by February 4.


Applications to Horizon Europe mission boards

The European Commission has issued a call (open until Feb. 2) to identify experts who will form the new Mission Boards for each of the Missions created in Horizon Europe:

- Adaptation to Climate Change

- Cancer

- Restore our Ocean and Waters

- Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities and

- A Soil Deal for Europe

Each Mission Board will be composed of 15 high-level independent experts with different profiles, who will contribute specifically to advice the Commission on the implementation plans for each of the missions. The 3-year commitment will involve about 15 to 20 working days per year.

All information is available at seguente link.


Public consultation on the digitization of the energy sector

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the digitization of the energy sector as part of the preparation of a dedicated European Action Plan scheduled to be published in the first half of 2022.

The consultation will remain open until January 24, 2022 and is accessible to all potential stakeholders at link.

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