Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Event description

A modeling-by-matching approach for clothed human animation

The realization of animated 3D characters has always been expensive regarding resources and time. Automatic methods for building high-quality shapes with the desired characteristics for the animation are complex to design. In the last decade, acquiring 3D models from the real world has become within everyone’s reach. This talk presents a complete pipeline to combine realistic geometries acqui-red from the real world and the desired properties to create an animation-ready 3D model using a modeling-by-matching technique. The idea is to provide a robust mat-ching to transfer all the information we need for a proper animation from an artist-defined 3D model to a 3D scan of a clothed human. All the passages are based on the functional map framework, the process of finding matches on functions defined on the surfaces. This matching approach is efficient and flexible and lets us be inde-pendent of the discretization, the surface details, and the pose of the shapes invol-ved. With such technique, we obtain a fully automatic pipeline to provide an anima-ted 3D setup starting from a single 3D scan, providing new approaches for modeling and animation.


Pietro Musoni
Assegnista presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche dell'Università di Parma.

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