Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Our benefits

The method of calculating seniority for the following benefits differs from that used for the personalized university contribution set out in the specific section.

Seniority requirements for benefits: university seniority is calculated from the 1st year of enrollment in any Italian university. A change of degree program or university does not reset seniority.

For lapsed students, dropouts, or students who nevertheless re-enroll, the year of first enrollment will retrocede proportionally to the year of the course to which they were admitted.

The following benefits are applied ex officio,there is therefore no need to fill out an application.

  • for full-time freshmen:

- students matriculating in the first year of a bachelor's or master's degree program: students matriculating in the first year of a bachelor's degree program or a single-cycle master's degree program are entitled to a reduction of 250 euros for graduation grade of 100 or 100 with merit;
- students matriculating in the first year of a master's degree program: students matriculating in the first year of a master's degree program benefit from:
a) reduction of 250 euros for graduation grade of 110 or 110 with honors
b) reduction of 150 euros for graduation grade of 108 or 109

  • for full-time current enrollees:

Standings are provided for the reduction on the personalized university fee for students enrolled from the 2nd year and within the legal duration of the course.

The reduction for merit ranges from a minimum of 150 euros to a maximum of 300 euros.

Reductions apply up to the amount of the total amount of the personalized university contribution due and/or paid.

The information of the requirements for access to the benefits are specified on the Manifesto of Studies a.y. 2024-2025.

Total exemptions





Students with recognized handicap or disability of 66% or more

Students with a recognized disability under Article 3, Paragraph 1, of Law No. 104 of February 5, 1992, or with a disability of 66% or more are entitled to total exemption from university fees and contributions and make the matriculation/enrollment, with only the payments of regional tax and virtual stamp duty.

The waiver is requested by filling out the self-certification of disability form Mod. A23, which must be sent to by April 30, 2025 except for freshmen who must upload documentation of disability and/or recognition of disability during matriculation.

Students who have made the second and/or third installment payment will receive their refund ex officio in June 2025.

Students who are children of disability pension recipients

Students who are children of the beneficiaries of the disability pension, established by Article 12 of Law 118/71 according to the provisions of Article 30 of the same Law, and with a valid ISEE 2024 for the right to university study not exceeding 27,000, are entitled to total exemption from university fees and contributions and carry out matriculation/enrollment, with only the payments of regional tax and virtual stamp duty. ISEE 2024 must be reported compulsorily online at section "MAKE ONLINE APPLICATION" by November 4, 2024 h. 17:00

The waiver is applied for by November 4, 2024 h. 17:00 further guidance pending update

Students holding ER-GO scholarships in the 2024-2025 academic year.

Newly enrolled students and those enrolled in regular years of course, beneficiaries of or eligible for ER-GO scholarship in the academic year 2024/2025, are entitled to total exemption from the personalized university contribution and make the enrollment or renewal enrollment with only the payments of regional tax and virtual stamp duty (first installment).

Students who, upon the publication of the ER-GO rankings, are found to be NOT ELIGIBLE for the scholarship benefit, will have to pay the personalized university contribution (second installment) by 28/02/2025 and will not be able to carry out career interruptive acts until after the relevant payment.

In case of revocation of the scholarship, students will forfeit the exemption benefit and will be required to pay the personalized university contribution within 60 days after ER-GO's communication.

Students who are beneficiaries or eligible who have made the payment of the personalized university contribution will receive the reimbursement ex officio after the confirmation of the Scholarship (June 2025).

N.B: For cases of exclusion, reference should be made to the ER.GO Competition Notice (


Foreign students who are recipients of scholarships from the Italian government

Foreign students who are recipients of scholarships from the Italian government under the Development Cooperation Programs and Intercultural and Scientific Agreements and their executive programs are entitled to total exemption from the personalized university fee. They make the matriculation or renewal registration with only the payments of regional fee and virtual stamp duty (first installment). The relevant documentation must be submitted to the Student Secretariat or to the U.O. Contributions and Right to Study.

Students who provide care for a family member (Care Givers)

Students who are caregivers and have a valid ISEE 2024 for the right to university study of no more than 27,000 are entitled to total exemption from university fees and contributions and carry out matriculation/enrollment, with only regional tax and virtual stamp payments. ISEE 2024 must be reported compulsorily online at section MAKE ONLINE APPLICATION by November 4, 2024 h. 17:00.

The student caregiver must be a resident and have the following relationship with the severely disabled family member/person:

  1. - daughter/daughter of the severely disabled person, cohabitant, in case of pathology or absence of the spouse/cohabitant;
  2. - cohabitant spouse, cohabitant civil union party, de facto cohabitant;
  3. - brother or sister, cohabiting with the disabled person in case of death or absence of spouse/cohabiting partner, parents and children;
  4. - relative or kin cohabiting within the 3rd degree of relationship in case of death or absence of spouse, parents, children and siblings.

Exemption is requested by November 4, 2024 h. 17:00 further guidance pending update


Modified on

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Fees, university contributions and benefits

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