Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Composition of the Evaluation Committee

The current composition of the University Evaluation Committee for the four-year period 2021-2024 is due to Rectoral Decree No. 1933/2020 of December 22, 2020 and Rectoral Decree No. 890 of May 27, 2022 and Rectoral Decree No. 961 of May 25, 2023.

Prof. Maria Candida Ghidini - Coordinator - Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Maria Cristina Ossiprandi - Internal member - Curriculum vitae

Prof. Lorenza Operti - External member - Curriculum vitae

Prof. Fausto Fantini - External member - Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Giacomo Zanni - External member - Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Marco Tomasi - External member - Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Giancarlo Vecchi - External member - Curriculum Vitae

Miss Gaia Stampone - Student - (Student Representation)

Miss Martina Di Tata - Student - (Student Representation)

Functions of the Evaluation Committee

The evaluation committees of Italian universities were originally established by Law No. 537 of Dec. 24, 1993 (Art. 5, paragraphs 22 and 23) and later elevated to collegial university bodies to be provided for at the statutory level, by Art. 1 of Law No. 370 of Oct. 19, 1999, bearing "Dispositions on Universities and Scientific Research". The latter norm assigns to the boards the evaluation functions consequent to the obligation for each university to adopt "an internal evaluation system of administrative management, teaching and research activities, and interventions in support of the right to study, verifying also through comparative analyses of costs and returns, the proper use of public resources, the productivity of research and teaching, as well as the impartiality and good performance of administrative action" .

Law Dec. 30, 2010, no. 240 intervened specifying the nature of an internal body provided for and regulated by the Statute, assigning to it the task of assessing the quality and effectiveness of the teaching offer, as well as the research and third mission activities carried out by the departments, the scientific or professional curricula of the holders of teaching contracts and, in connection with the activity of ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research), carry out functions referred to in art. 14 of Legislative Decree No. 150 of October 27, 2009 relating to the procedures for the evaluation of structures and personnel, in order to promote in universities, in full autonomy and with its own organizational methods, merit and improvement of organizational and individual performance.

The following functions are attributed to the Evaluation Committee: functions of verification of the quality and effectiveness of the teaching offer; functions of verification of the research activity carried out by the departments and of the adequacy of the scientific or professional curriculum of the holders of teaching contracts, as per art. 23, paragraph 1, of Law 240/2010; the functions of Independent Evaluation Body, as per art. 14 of Legislative Decree No. 150 of October 27, 2009, relating to the procedures for the evaluation of structures and personnel, in order to promote in the University, in full autonomy and with its own organizational methods, merit and improvement of organizational and individual performance; functions of monitoring and verification of compliance with transparency.

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