Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

1) Students with recognition of handicap under Article 3, Paragraph 1, of Law No. 104 of February 5, 1992 and students with certified disability of 66% or more


Students with recognition of handicap pursuant to Article 3, Paragraph 1, of Law No. 104 of February 5, 1992, or with a disability equal to or greater than 66% are entitled to total exemption from university fees and contributions and make the registration/enrollment, with only the payments of regional tax and virtual stamp.

The exemption is applied for by filling out the self-certification of disability form Mod. A23, which should be sent to by April 28, 2023. 

Students who have paid the second and/or third installment will receive their refund ex officio in June 2023.

2) Students children of the beneficiaries of the disability pension, established by Article 12 of Law 118/71 according to the provisions of Article 30 of the same Law

Students who are children of the beneficiaries of the disability pension, established by Art. 12 of Law 118/71 according to the provisions of Art. 30 of the same Law, are entitled to total exemption from university fees and contributions and make the matriculation/enrollment, with only the payments of regional tax and virtual stamp.

The exemption is requested by filling out the self-certification form Mod. A56, which should be sent to by April 28, 2023. 

Students who have made the second and/or third installment payments will receive their refund ex officio in June 2023.

3) Students holding ER-GO Scholarship in the academic year 2022/2023


Newly enrolled students and students enrolled in regular years of course, beneficiaries or eligible for ER-GO scholarship in the academic year 2022/2023, are entitled to total exemption from the personalized university contribution and make registration or renewal registration with only the payments of regional tax and virtual stamp duty (first installment).

Students who, upon the publication of the ER-GO rankings, are found to be NOT ELIGIBLE for the scholarship benefit, will have to pay the personalized university contribution (second installment) by 31/12/2022 and will not be able to carry out career interruptive acts until after the relevant payment has been made.

In case of revocation of the scholarship, students will forfeit the exemption benefit and will be required to pay the personalized university contribution within 60 days of the communication from ER-GO.

Students who have made the payment of the personalized university contribution will receive the refund ex officio after the confirmation of the Scholarship (June 2023).

4) Foreign students who are beneficiaries of Italian Government Scholarship


Foreign students who are beneficiaries of Italian Government Scholarship under the Development Cooperation Programs and Intercultural and Scientific Agreements and related executive programs are entitled to full exemption from the personalized university fee. The relevant documentation should be submitted to the Student Secretariat or to the U.O. Contributions, Right to Study and Student Welfare. 

5) Students who provide care for a family member (Care Givers)

Students who provide care for a family member are entitled to total exemption from university fees and contributions and carry out matriculation/enrollment, with only regional fee and virtual stamp payments.

The exemption is requested by filling out the self-certification form Mod. A/58, which should be sent to by April 28, 2023. 

Students who have paid the second and/or third installment will receive their refund ex officio in June 2023.



Students who matriculate in the first year of a Bachelor's degree program or a single-cycle Master's degree program are entitled to a reduction of €250 for graduation grade of 100 or 100 with merit.

Seniority requirements: University seniority is calculated from the 1st year of enrollment in any Italian university. A change of degree program or university does not reset the seniority of enrollment.

For lapsed students, dropouts, or students who nevertheless re-enroll, the year of first enrollment will retrocede proportionally to the course year to which they were admitted.

The reduction is arranged ex officio up to the total amount of the personalized university fee due and/or paid.



Students enrolling in the first year of a Master's degree program benefit from:

a) reduction of €250 for graduation grade of 110 or 110 cum laude


b) reduction of € 150 for graduation grade of 108 or 109

Seniority requirements: University seniority is calculated from the 1st year of matriculation in any Italian university. A change of degree program or university does not reset the seniority of enrollment.

For lapsed students, dropouts, or students who nevertheless re-enroll, the year of first enrollment will retrocede proportionally to the course year to which they were admitted.

The reduction is arranged ex officio up to the total amount of the personalized university fee due and/or paid.

For more information see the Study Manifesto.

Yes, the Athenaeum offers this benefit.

There are rankings for the reduction on the personalized university fee for students enrolled from the 2nd year and within the legal duration of the course who meet the following requirements:

Seniority requirements: University seniority is calculated from the 1st year of matriculation in any Italian university. A change of degree program or university does not reset seniority. The period of interruption of studies is not taken into account for students who interrupt their careers in the following cases:


For female students for the year of birth of each child


for serious and prolonged infirmity duly certified

career interruption for at least two consecutive academic years

For lapsed students, dropouts, or students who nevertheless re-enroll, the year of first enrollment shall retrocede proportionally to the year of the course to which they were admitted. 

Credit requirements: at least 40 CFUs earned in calendar year 2022 (January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022). Reference is made to examinations that have been verbalized and recorded by that date. 

Only those CFUs that are useful for earning the degree are considered.

Exams validated by abbreviation, transfer, waiver or forfeiture are not considered useful. Credits earned at foreign universities as part of international educational exchanges are considered only if taken between January 1, 2022 by December 31, 2022 provided they are recognized in the career by December 31, 2022.

The merit score is calculated based on the CFUs acquired and the average grade (weighted average) of the exams taken during the period considered above that contributed to the acquisition of at least 40 CFUs.

Rankings: a ranking is arranged for each degree program, published on January 31, 2023, based on a score calculated as the sum of 70% of credits acquired and 30% of the weighted average grade. 

The score will be rounded to the second decimal place.

The total benefits attributable are 1800 as follows: 

  • 900 benefits in the amount of € 300 
  • .
  • 900 benefits in the amount of € 150.

The number of reductions is divided among the various Degree Courses in proportion to the number of students enrolled with seniority between 2 and the legal term of each course. However, each Degree Course is guaranteed at least one reduction for each type of amount. In the case of tied students, the student with less seniority prevails, and in the case of further ties they will have, both, the reduction. 

The reduction is arranged ex officio up to the total amount of the personalized university fee due and/or paid.

They are not eligible for benefits (they can only apply for the personalized university grant):

-       Students already holding a bachelor's degree and enrolling in a course of study that awards a degree of the same or lower value than the one already held;

-      students already in possession of a bachelor's degree who are enrolled in a single-cycle master's degree program within the 3rd year of the program;

-       students who do not regularize their matriculation or enrollment for the 2022/2023 academic year by 12/31/2022 and pre-enrolled students who do not regularize their enrollment by the dates stipulated in the Study Manifesto. Enrollment after the deadline, even in the presence of eligibility requirements, does not allow eligibility for benefits;

-       students who transfer to the University of Parma for the academic year 2022/2023 and who do not regularize their transfer by 31/12/2022;

-      students who transfer from the University of Parma to another university location, who give up their studies or otherwise discontinue them;

-      students who enroll in single courses;

-      students not in good standing with the payment of tuition and fees for previous academic years, unless regularization takes place by 12/31/2022;

-       students whose benefits have been revoked, with sanction, as a result of verifications made on self-certifications submitted in previous years and found to be untrue. Such students are excluded from the granting of benefits for the entire duration of the course of study.

Appeals against the provisional outcome are submitted exclusively online, from the website, by February 28, 2023. The outcome is final. Any further appeal is possible only to the TAR - Regional Administrative Court.

The final outcome will be published in conjunction with the publication of the third installment bulletins.

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