Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

OVERWORLD Programme - Mobility for study from non-ERASMUS+ partner Universities

Students enrolled in non-EU partner institutions that have a bilateral (non-Erasmus+) agreement with the University of Parma can spend an exchange period at the University of Parma. The mobility can last between 3 and 12 months.

Mobility structure:

  • The study exchange or internship period can be completed in different ways, depending on personal, institutional or circumstantial conditions. The University of Parma encourages, supports and promotes the following mobility structures:
  • Physical mobility: physical presence at the University of Parma for the entire duration of the exchange period;
  • Online mobility: attendance of courses in virtual mode, without traveling from the country of origin to Parma;
  • Blended Mobility: a mix between physical mobility and online mobility; the student can choose to alternate physical mobility with online mobility, depending on personal preferences and any mitigating factors.

Some limitations may relate to the types of mobility that are eligible, depending on the specific objectives of the exchange and the provisions of the mobility program under which the exchange is carried out.


Mobility in the framework of Double Degree Programmes

Participating in a Double Degree programme is a high-grade study opportunity. Upon successful completion of the agreed study plans, the selected students will be awarded both the degree issued by their Home University and the corresponding degree issued by the University of Parma. The attendance of Double Degree programmes may happen in the framework of both the Erasmus+ SMS and the Overworld programmes. A full list of Double Degree programmes currently active at the University of Parma and the respective Partner Institution is available HERE.

For all exchange students is available the Guide for exchange students for study

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