Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Doctor Europaeus - art. 7 of the regulation - provisions

Regulation of courses for obtaining a doctoral degree (in application of DM 45/2013)




(...) Paragraph 15

In implementation of the European Convention on the certification of "Doctor Europaeus", defined by the European University Association, this certification is granted by the University, at the request of the doctoral student and with the favourable opinion of the Board of teachers, when the following conditions are met:

  • the doctoral thesis also contains the results obtained during a research period of at least three months, even if not consecutive, in one or more States that are members of the European Convention other than that of the candidate;
  • the doctoral student submits a favourable report on the thesis work, drawn up by at least two highly qualified professors and/or experts from universities or research institutions in two European countries that are members of the European Convention other than the one in which the thesis is being discussed;
  • the Final Examination Board includes at least one member from among the staff or experts of a university institution or body from a European country that is a member of the European Convention other than the country in which the thesis is being discussed;
  • the thesis is discussed in Italian and/or English or, subject to authorisation by the Board of teachers, in another official language of the European Union.


The "Request for additional certification of Doctor Europaeus" must be submitted by the end of the three-year period, according to the procedures and timeframes indicated in the Rector's Note sent to all candidates for the Final Examination, and published on the Doctorates' website, approximately halfway through the last year of the course.


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https://eua.ue/ (Menu: about  / Member Directory)

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