Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma

In the framework of the agreement signed between the University and the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) to guarantee assistance and consultancy on laws and regulations defining rental contracts to University students as well as promote legality, it is now possible to book an appointment with an Agency Officer available at the University Erasmus and International Home (P.le San Francesco, 3) to:

  • receive the personal Tax Code (Codice Fiscale) - this service available exclusively to international students and researchers;
  • register a rental contract
  • get correct information to prevent illegality in location and rental contracts.

The Agency Officers will be at the University Erasmus and International Home every third Tuesday of every month from 2pm  to 5pm. Any additional dates will be listed on this webpage.

Appointments can be booked through the dedicated appointment service "Appointment with Agenzia delle Entrate", by clicking on this link.

Instructions for the appointment

In order to request an Italian Tax Code, the following documents will be needed:

1. Tax Code request form (form AA4/8, available for download here), correctly filled and signed. A guide to the correct filling is available below.
2. Photocopy of ID card (front and back) or passport.

1. Tax Code request form (form AA4/8, available for download here), correctly filled and signed. A guide to the correct filling is available below.
2. Photocopy of passport
3. Photocopy of entry visa into Italy (if applicable).

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